Awesome father creates Mario Kart 8-themed nursery for newborn son【Video】

08:09 cherishe 0 Comments

mario nursery

In what may be one of the most impressive Nintendo homages – not to mention a timely tribute to the late Satoru Iwata who passed away earlier this month – we’ve ever seen, a talented and Nintendo-obsessed father recently built a completely Mario Kart 8-themed nursery for his newborn son.

The final product is truly impressive; covering all four walls and even the ceiling (this is Mario Kart 8 after all!) with a giant mural models and props, he transports his little boy to the magical world of Nintendo.

It would be every kid’s dream to wake up to to a video game land. They would never want to grow up. We just hope baby Grant here appreciates it.


mario kart wall

No nursery is complete without a mobile above the crib.

mario bed mobile

The pièce de résistance here, however, is of course the model of Mario in his kart suspended from the ceiling.

ceiling kart

This 12-minute video shows how little Grant’s father created the nursery, from the painting of the wall murals to the 3D model of Mario in his kart. That’s dedication for you!

The nursery apparently took this father about 18 months to create, but who knows, with a whole lot of spare time and a fully-equipped workshop at your disposal, perhaps you too could create your own Mario Kart-themed kids’ room and be in line for the next Father of the Year award.

Source: YouTube (Geeksmithing) via Kotaro269
YouTube (Geeksmithing)

Origin: Awesome father creates Mario Kart 8-themed nursery for newborn son【Video】
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