Don't Read These Wikipedia Pages If You Want To Sleep Tonight

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Our world is terrifying.

The Original Night Stalker

The Original Night Stalker

The Original Night Stalker murdered 10 people across southern California from the late '70s through the '80s. He often targeted couples, forcing the woman to tie up the man before shooting them. He was never caught.

Sacramento Police Department /

The Max Headroom Signal Intrusion

Don't watch this video if you want to sleep tonight. On November 22nd, 1987, someone dressed in a Max Headroom mask hijacked two broadcast television stations while moaning, laughing, and screaming. The hijacker was never caught, but Reddit user bpaog claimed he knew who was behind the signal intrusion.

Capgras Delusion

Capgras Delusion

Capgras delusion "is a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member (or pet) has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor." One case report even detailed a 74-year-old woman who believed her husband "had been replaced by another unrelated man." She wouldn't sleep with him and actually "asked her son for a gun."

Jen Grantham / Getty Images

The murder of the Dupont de Ligonnés

The murder of the Dupont de Ligonnés

In 2011, Agnés Dupont de Ligonnès and her four children were found murdered. Though investigators believe the family was killed between April 3rd and April 4th, neighbors claimed to have seen Agnés days later. Agnés's husband Xavier is the main suspect, but he has not been caught.

David Vincent / AP Images

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