Korean criminals take a page from Metal Gear with cardboard box burglaries 【Video】

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After a vague yet indiscreet falling out with video game publisher Konami, it seems likely that Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear franchise, won’t be working at the company for much longer. As one of the most famous and respected names in the industry, though, we’re sure Kojima will be able to find employment at one of Konami’s many rivals who are licking their lips in anticipation of landing such a prized free agent.

However, we’re not so sure about the future financial well-being of the characters Kojima has created. This video seems to suggest that Metal Gear protagonist Snake has resorted to a life of crime, as multiple burglaries have taken place in Korea with the culprit using Snake’s trademark infiltration technique of disguising himself with a cardboard box.

Taking into consideration the inability to save scum in the real world, using video game play mechanics as a template for actual crimes seems like a pretty ridiculous idea. As shown in the video below, though, the suspects were apparently burgling on Easy Mode, as no guards are patrolling the office and storeroom where the robberies took place.

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Silly as it may look, the disguise does indeed obscure the crook’s face, and also makes it difficult to determine height and build. It’s not even 100-percent certain what the burglar’s gender is in the first clip, or if both incidents involve the same person, opening the door to the possibility that the Metal Gear wedding couple that wore cardboard boxes at their ceremony are the ones responsible.

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Silliness aside, the video serves as a solemn reminder of the need to protect your home and place of business. Consult your local security provider for more information, and maybe think about hiring the real life Revolver Ocelot just to be extra safe.

Source: YouTube/경남신문(2014년 8월~) h/t Kotaku USA
Images: YouTube/경남신문(2014년 8월~) (edited by RocketNews24)

Origin: Korean criminals take a page from Metal Gear with cardboard box burglaries 【Video】
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