6 Ways To Treat Yo’self When You’re Single AF On Valentine’s Day

06:24 cherishe 0 Comments

While most 20-somethings are preparing for Valentine’s Day with their significant others, you find yourself single and in a furious Tinder-swiping session, trying to find a valentine.

Stop immediately.

Valentine’s Day is the holiday revolving around love, so why not spend it with the person you love most: yourself?

In the words of Donna and Tom from “Parks and Recreation,” “treat yo’self.”

While throwing or attending the clichéd, anti-Valentine’s Day party sounds great, at the end of the night, you will still end up with a bunch of drunk and single miserable people.

Ditch that idea this year and spend the holiday indulging yourself.

Here are the six best things to do when you find yourself single AF on Valentine’s Day:

1. Splurge on something you’ve been wanting for a long time.

You don’t have to spend your entire savings.

This can be anything from a pedicure or a book you’ve been wanting to some Dior shades. (It’s almost spring, isn’t it?)

Be creative. If you don’t have the money for a full spa day, go get a Lush face mask and champagne for your own mini spa night.

Taking the time to treat yourself to something nice is way better than spending the money on someone you probably settled for for the sake of having a valentine.

2. Check local coffee shops and bookstores for events.

This is my first single Valentine’s Day in years. I’m starting my day by attending a blind date with a book at a local coffee shop.

The premise of this event is to pick a wrapped book by just a short description written on the front.

It’s a great event to get my Valentine’s Day morning started, and a great opportunity to meet and mingle with other book lovers.

Don’t be afraid to do something you normally wouldn’t do and get out of your comfort zone.

3. Focus on a hobby you haven’t had time for lately.

When life happens, we sometimes forget to set time aside to do the things we really love.

Whether it’s baking, reading, yoga or going on a hike, take the time to do something you love.

4. Be active.

While our natural instinct on a single Valentine’s Day is to indulge in chocolate and Netflix, take this day to better yourself.

Take a class at your gym that you normally wouldn’t take, go on a hike with another single friend or simply go for a run while blasting “Irreplaceable” by Queen Bey.

To quote one of the most badass single girls, Elle Woods: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”

5. Avoid restaurants like the plague and take advantage of the greatness of food delivery apps.

Restaurants are going to be packed with lovey-dovey couples.

While I have nothing against them, I’d rather eat from the comfort of my home (and yoga pants), with a bottle of wine to myself.

GrubHub, Seamless and Eat24 are the most popular life-saving food delivery apps. With just a few taps of your finger, your favorite meal will be en route to your living room.

Chocolates, wine and Netflix subscription not included.

6. While treating ourselves is great, so is making someone else’s day a little brighter.

Just because you don’t have an SO, that doesn’t mean you can’t send out a little gift to someone you love.

This can be anything from sending your mom flowers to sending your closest single female friends a cute card.

The “thank you” call or text you’ll get on Valentine’s Day is a sure way to make you smile.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday about love, not couples.

While most people associate love with couples, we must not forget that loving ourselves is just as important.

Taking the time to do things for yourself on Valentine’s Day will hopefully remind you how amazing you are, and why you shouldn’t just settle for anybody for the sake of having a valentine.

6 Ways To Treat Yo’self When You’re Single AF On Valentine’s Day

Credit: Elite Daily » Dating