Cosplayer brings Fallout 4’s Nick Valentine to life in all his run-down glory【Video】

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Watch this cosplayer transform into Fallout 4‘s Nick Valentine using his seriously impressive prosthetics and makeup skills.

Everyone’s favourite dapper detective companion has been brought to life in all his fedora-ed glory by cosplayer Arcanum Order. His photos have proven to be a huge hit with fans, even being retweeted by Bethesda, the creators of the Fallout series, much to the cosplayer’s delight.

▼ Nick Valentine, the decaying synth detective, as seen in Fallout 4.

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We here at RocketNews24 love seeing talented and creative cosplayers, and it’s wonderful to see them getting recognition for their hard work and dedication to the much-loved characters they portray. It’s even better when they offer an insight into their creative process so that beginner’s might follow in their steps, like in the video below.

▼ Although it’s not a tutorial, you can see the work that went into the transformation in this time-lapse.

 ▼ Those eyes are just as piercing as in the game.


▼ A closer view of the side prosthetics.


▼ The massive Institute Rifle is from Chunk-A-Nuke Props who create custom-made Fallout props.


This cosplay is apparently still a test version, so you can expect some refinement to the costume and makeup in the future. In the meantime, check out Arcanum Order’s Facebook page for more photos of the cosplay in-progress as well as his convention schedule for the year ahead.

Source & Images: Facebook

Origin: Cosplayer brings Fallout 4’s Nick Valentine to life in all his run-down glory【Video】
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