Thieving made easy! Japanese smartphone service lets you order duplicate keys by taking a photo

03:39 cherishe 0 Comments

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Breaking into people’s houses is a snap with this new app!

With the rise of social media, people have become more vigilant than ever about their private information. Nowadays everyone knows that you have to be careful where you put your address, phone number, or credit card info online, or else it might fall into the hands of the wrong people.

And now it’s time to add one more item to that list of private things to be careful about: your keys.

The recently-started Japanese online service Aikagi Kojo (“Duplicate Key Factory”) allows customers to send them a photo of a key via e-mail or the messaging app LINE on their smartphone, thereupon they can create a duplicate key based on the picture alone.

▼ “Hey friend, mind if I take a picture of your key so I can break into your ho–er, I mean, I like your Pikachu key ring!”

line keys top

Now, you might be thinking: “Sure, someone could use it to copy another person’s key. But couldn’t they do that anyway if they took it to a store to have it copied?”

While that is technically true, you have to admit it’s a heck of a lot easier to just snap a quick picture of someone’s key without them noticing, rather than grabbing the key itself. People tend to notice if a key is missing; they don’t tend to notice if someone took a one-second photo while they were looking away.

As expected, Japanese netizens were pretty s-key-ptical about this suspicious service:

“Is there even a chance this would ever be used legitimately?”
“Wow, that’s sketchy.”
“Imagine if someone gets a shot of a celebrity’s keys and uploads it.”
“Who ever thought this would ever be a good idea?”
“Welp, guess I’m never taking my keys out of my pockets again.”

From the reaction online, it’s hard to imagine this service will be around much longer. But still, in the meantime, to any thieves out there who do use it to steal someone’s key, keep this in mind: don’t swallow the key when the police find you.

Source: Itai News
Images © RocketNews24

Origin: Thieving made easy! Japanese smartphone service lets you order duplicate keys by taking a photo
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