5 Reasons I Think Tinder Is More Than Just A Hook-Up App

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Tinder gets a bad rap. I’ll be the first to admit it.

I boycotted the notorious hook-up app for years before finally hopping on the bandwagon.

I was scared that the moment I joined, I would be swarmed with unsolicited pictures of male genitalia and socially awkward suitors.

I was pleasantly surprised to find my experience was quite the opposite.

Sure, there’s the occasional creepy encounter, but for the most part, I found Tinder to be a quick and effective way to meet eligible men in the area.

At worst, it is comparable to meeting a man at a bar, and at best, it is comparable to being introduced by a mutual friend.

Constantly working on its image, Tinder has introduced multiple upgrades to its system over the past six months in an attempt to add more substance to its dating “game.”

For instance, education, work information and Instagram profiles are now readily accessible on a match’s page.

There’s also a desirability rating being introduced into the programming, which will allow you to match with people who are literally on your level.

With all these changes in place, it’s hard to deny that Tinder has emerged as one of the foremost dating services for our generation.

Women have just as much of a chance of finding true love by swiping right as they would in any traditional setting, if not more.

Here are five reasons why:

1. Everyone’s on it.

Tinder is like one giant social gathering that everyone chooses to attend.

Unlike meeting a guy at a gym or club (where you’ll find a very specific demographic), Tinder allows you to peruse candidates of all backgrounds and with varying interests.

Furthermore, while some of your potential matches may double dip and utilize competitor services like eHarmony or Match.com in an attempt to find something more substantial, almost every eligible person who is using a dating app will also use Tinder’s free service.

You’re casting the widest net possible.

It’s not uncommon to swipe across friends or people you may personally know in your area.

This is simply proof that everyone else out there is also just trying to find companionship without judgment.

2. You choose what advances to entertain.

Tinder is no different from real life. You choose what advances to entertain.

Some men will make vulgar implications right off the bat, or they’ll have multiple pictures in their birthday suits with a sole profile descriptor: “DTF.”

Right away, you can choose to either swipe left or pursue something with these individuals.

In a way, Tinder gives women more power than they have in everyday settings.

We’ve all wished for a magic “dislike” or “disappear” button for unwanted and persistent suitors.

3. You can weed out people before you meet them.

Are you a grammar freak?

Are children deal breakers for you?

Do you yearn for someone to share your passion of tattoos and body art with?

If so, Tinder is your virtual chopping block.

This is the place where you can know, almost immediately, if your match is someone you’d be interested in meeting in person.

There are also different ways to judge interest and motive.

For instance, someone who initiates contact, replies in a timely manner and always asks follow-up questions in an attempt to keep the conversation going is obviously more interested than someone who responds with one word three days later.

If, at any point, you realize a person is not for you, simply unmatch and move on.

It’s as easy as that.

4. You have a degree of privacy.

Unlike meeting in person where you can’t even give out fake phone numbers anymore (because people call you right then and there), Tinder allows women a modicum of privacy.

You don’t have to correspond through personal channels or link your other social media accounts, if you don’t want to.

It’s a safe place where you can talk for a bit and make initial introductions before deciding whether or not you want to meet in person.

5. It actually works.

I can name at least five couples I personally know who brag about having found love by swiping right.

The truth is, people find each other in all kinds of ways.

It’s not the how, but the who that really matters in dating, and Tinder is just as viable of a means of finding that special someone as any other.

While it can be used for hook-up purposes, women are no strangers to men trying to get in their pants.

With discretion, a sense of humor and a little resilience, even the most skeptical bachelorette can come across her perfect Tinderfella.

5 Reasons I Think Tinder Is More Than Just A Hook-Up App

Credit: Elite Daily » Dating