More cute kitties balancing Japanese snacks on their heads【Videos】

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Shiro and friends are back, this time modeling headwear out of empty containers of Calbee’s Jagarico.

Jagarico is one of Japan’s most popular potato snacks. Despite a recall last year, there seems to have been little to no impact on overall sales, and the brand continues to release new, limited flavors every month, in addition to their classic salad, cheese, and buttery potato series.

▼ At the moment, Jagarico’s limited flavors are Butter Chicken Curry and Happy Plum


Not only are they delicious, but the container’s shape perfectly fits into your car’s drink holder for when on-the-road munchies hit, or as Shiro and his buddies from the YouTube channel Kago Neko Blog show us, doubles as a great cat hat when you’re finished snacking.

If you’ve got multiple containers lying around, go ahead and double the fun:

Depending on how patient your feline is at home, your mileage may vary. Admittedly these kitties seem to have pretty chill personalities, balancing everything from oranges to paper balloons on their heads.

▼ Although they don’t always seem to be thrilled by their owner’s shenanigans.


Source: YouTube/Kago Neko Blog (1, 2)
Top/feature image: YouTube/Kago Neko Blog
Insert images: Calbee, Noseneko Blog, edited by RocketNews24

Origin: More cute kitties balancing Japanese snacks on their heads【Videos】
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