My Boyfriend Dressed Me For A Week And This Is What Happened

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My boyfriend, Chris, doesn’t see me the way I see myself. So I wanted to see how someone who doesn’t have my insecurities would dress me for a week.

Charlotte Gomez for BuzzFeed

Hey guys, Nina here. I enjoy fashion, but I'm no style queen. When I find something I like and it looks good on me, I stick to it. FOREVER. My daily look is usually a crop top, skirt, gold jewelry, curls, and a jacket.

Hey guys, Nina here. I enjoy fashion, but I'm no style queen. When I find something I like and it looks good on me, I stick to it. FOREVER. My daily look is usually a crop top, skirt, gold jewelry, curls, and a jacket.

I want to diversify my style portfolio. My closet is full of unworn, riskier clothes. But being in a rut means I don't have to confront the things I'm insecure about, like showing my bare arms or wearing bodycon or high-waisted anything. I can hide behind my jackets and black-on-black ensembles.

Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed

However, my boyfriend, Chris, doesn't see me the way I see myself. So I wanted to see how someone who doesn't have my insecurities would dress me for a week.

However, my boyfriend, Chris, doesn't see me the way I see myself. So I wanted to see how someone who doesn't have my insecurities would dress me for a week.

Chris's Thoughts Pre-Experiment: Nina gravitates towards cute, knee-high dresses. If I had to label her default aesthetic, perhaps I'd call it "girl-next-door chic." The only time she ever wears her hair up is when she's working out, but I think it's a flattering look for her. As far as makeup, I've always been attracted to the "less-is-more" approach. I just want her to have the confidence to capriciously change things up and throw on threads she shied away from in the past.

Charles Caste for BuzzFeed

1. I'd let Chris choose my outfit, shoes, hairstyle, and makeup for seven days.
2. Chris could buy four to five new items and pair them with existing clothes in my wardrobe.
3. I wouldn't tell anyone I was conducting this experiment, in order to get genuine reactions.
4. I wouldn't reveal how I actually felt about the outfits until the end.

Charlotte Gomez for BuzzFeed

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