What Your Go-To Flirty Emoji Says About You

09:24 cherishe 0 Comments

Recently I’ve been hearing all of this hoopla about how people who frequently use emojis are apparently hornier than the rest of us.

First off, I hate the word “horny.” It’s gross. It sounds like something disgusting. And not hot disgusting, just like repulsive and gross. So let’s replace it with something sexier: Frequent emoji users love to make love more than the average person (TM Candice Jalili).

Anyways, no matter what word we’re using for it, if you use a lot of emojis, you’re a big flirt who’s looking to bone. But I, a frequent emoji user myself, am sitting here with a million thoughts racing through my head, because um, hello … THERE ARE SO MANY EMOJIS!

Like, sure, we are all mega horndogs, but what KIND of horndogs are we?!? Let me tell you.

Sly Smirking Face

You are the quintessential “chill girl.” You play it cool as ice when it comes to the dating game because, honestly, you don’t really give a f*ck. While other girls use the chill front as a facade, it just blatantly is who you are.

Kissing Winky Face

The “biggest flirt” superlative in high school was MADE FOR YOU. You’re a bonafide flirt. Men are your toys, and you know how to play with them to get whatever the f*ck you want.

Double Heart Eyes

You fall hard fast and aren’t afraid to put yourself out there. You’re Ginnifer Goodwin in that scene of “He’s Just Not That Into You” (aka my favorite movie of all time, but that’s neither here nor there) where she makes a f*cking idiot of herself in front of Justin Long and then tells him she’s way closer to finding love than he ever was, and we’re all like “Oh wait a minute … I thought this girl was an annoying nut job, but she’s actually cool AF and probably going to find love before I am.”

Yep, that’s you.

Pink Hearts

You are lighthearted and whimsical. If there are sexy girls and there are cute girls (I personally think you can be both and YOU probably are, but stay with me on this), you almost always fall into the cute category. You are just adorable, and boys can’t help but want to pick you up an bring you right home to mom and dad.

Sexy Dancing Girl

Going back to this sexy versus cute thing. Again, I THINK YOU CAN BE BOTH. And, heck, you probably ARE both, you fabulous multi-dimensional modern woman.

But if I were to pick one for you, just for the purpose of this exercise, you are sexy as f*ck. You have that magnetically fun charm that draws every man toward you.

Smiling Pile Of Sh*t

You are hilarious. The funny one. You are a goofball, and people love you for it. You don’t need to play it cool because you just ARE really f*cking cool. You’re not afraid to be vulgar and weird because you know any guy who really matters has to accept you as the freakazoid you are.


You’re always down for an adventure, and the thought of doing new things excites you. You embrace those pre-date butterflies and think of every experience—good or bad—as another f*cking awesome story.

Simple Winky Face

Much like “Breakfast at Tiffany”’s or “The Beatles,” you’re a classic. There’s something traditional and sensible about you that feels safe and comfortable.

That isn’t to say that you are boring by any means. You’re still fun and hilarious and a fantastic time, but you’re also that fun hilarious fantastic person your friends can call at four in the morning to bail them out of jail. No judgment.

Winky Face With A Wild Side

You like to have a good time. Everyone who knows you knows you’re down to throw back a few tequila shots and dance on a couple of tables. You are life of the party, and every moment with you is its own adventure.

Yummy Face

You may look all sweet and innocent on the outside, but on the inside, you are a low-key HUGE horndog. It’s a skill, really. You get thirsty for D and have mastered the art of getting it without coming off as TOO thirsty.

Just A Straight-Up Tongue

There is no hiding it. You love yourself some dick and are too much of a confident badass b*tch to mask your thirst as anything else.

Grimacing Face

You are that cute, awkward girl lead in the romantic comedy. You say and do all of the wrong things at all the wrong times, but something about the self-aware way you do it is just impossibly adorable.


We all know what this is code for, you dog.


You’ve got a hot body. A real hot body. And you’re ready to use every and every way to bring attention back to the fact that you have a booty to rival only Kim K’s. Because, um, why wouldn’t you?

Lipstick Stain

You are my effortlessly glamorous coworker, Zara. You start every day looking like you just stepped outside of a Vogue cover. Even when you are a hot mess, you still somehow manage to encompass all things glamorous. You are the fabulous girl every girl always wished she was.

Hair Flip

You are sassy betch. An alpha in your girl squad and a name all of your sorority sisters will never forget, you are absolutely one of the girls … even when you’re flirting with the guys.

Red XO

You are queen of giving them exactly how much they want while still managing to leave them wanting more. ️You have mastered the art of the tease, and what’s funny is you were never even trying to master it in the first place. It just sort of comes naturally to you.

Fire Flames

It’s no coincidence that you use this emoji because you are f*cking scorching HOT. Your entire essence strikes the perfect balance between forward and coy, and the result is absolutely magnetic for anyone who crosses your path.

Cat With Heart Eyes

You are like the Zooey Deschanel of the dating world. You complement your classically hopeless romantic beliefs with a distinct quirkiness that is completely your own.

Smiling Devil

You are a f*cking crazy b*tch, and it is awesome. You know what you want, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it–even if it is some totally nuts behavior.

The best thing about you is you know how f*cking psycho you can be, and you just absolutely ROCK IT. Keep doing you.

Strategically Placed Fingers

You’re a certified player, and you’ve got yourself a nice roster of booty calls to choose from. You can’t be BOTHERED with petty things like flirting. No, you get straight to the point in the most concise way possible.


You are in a long term relationship, and there really is no need for mystery anymore. You guys are obviously f*cking tonight, it’s just a matter of what position, and you are going to clarify that right here right now.

Besides, it was that assertive attitude that got you in this relationship in the first place.

Blushing Smiley

You are freaking cute as a button. The only reason you use this as much as you do is because people are making you blush left and right with compliments about how wonderful you are. And you know what? You deserve it.

Face Wearing Sunglasses

You are either my dad (he freaking LOVES this one) or an ironically cool girl. You play it cool, but you know exactly what you’re doing, so much so that you aren’t afraid to be overt about the game you’re playing.

Two Sexy Cats Dancing

You are fun and hot, and any guy who wants to take you on should know he’s not signing up for you–he’s joining your lifestyle.

Monkey Covering Its Mouth

You can be raunchy AF and somehow get away with it by still managing a certain level of unbreakable cuteness. You get away with your extra dirty sexts by balancing them out with an innocent essence that seems to just come naturally to you.

Any Of These

You are my coworker, Alexia. I am not joking when I say these are her go-to flirty emojis. And, honestly, I don’t get it, but she still manages to pull so maybe she’s onto something.

: )

You are over 40 years old and need to learn how to use emojis ASAP.

What Your Go-To Flirty Emoji Says About You

Credit: Elite Daily » Dating