Japanese retailer releases three cute & comfy high school uniforms to wear around the house

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This new high school room wear collection is aimed at adult women—but wouldn’t it feel weird wearing the uniforms so long after graduation?

If looking at those men’s school uniform pajamas made you green with envy, never fear—these new one-piece outfits are made with more feminine frames in mind!

BIBILAB, an online brand that offers a creative take on home and office accessories, has taken inspiration from the most iconic school uniform styles over the past 30–40 years and turned them into three different lounge-worthy one-piece designs that can be worn about the house.


Each piece fits over the head like a dress, with stretchier material than your average uniform, making them not only comfortable, but washable to boot.


Popular cosplayer Ayato Nikukyu models each style from the 70s/80s, 90s, and 00s, and the photographer who shot these models is none other than Yukkey, the same guy who previously showed us these amazing cosplay photo tricks.

▼ Sukeban-style from the 70s/80s


▼ Kogal-style from the 90s


▼ JK-style from the 00s


As part of the design process, BIBILAB polled a number of Japanese respondents in order to see which styles users most preferred, as well as their uniform-wearing habits, or lack of, after graduation. Here’s what they asked:

1. What kind of high school uniform did you have?


2. Which key uniform item was popular during your high school years?


3. Have you ever worn a high school uniform after graduation?


4. Would you be open to wearing a school uniform around town now?


5. Do you want to try wearing one again?


6. Which key uniform item would you like to wear again if you had the opportunity?


And for the guys…

7. Has your girlfriend or wife ever worn a high school uniform after graduation?


8.Which key uniform item would you like to a see on a girl?


So, ladies, should you find yourself a Japanese boyfriend or if you already have one, it’s highly likely he’d be thrilled to see you don a Japanese school girl uniform. Not only would one of these pieces would make a practical option, but if you’re weary of being seen wearing one in public, no problem! They were practically meant for staying inside and in bed all day. You can get yours on Amazon here!

Feature/insert images: BIBILAB  (1, 2)

Origin: Japanese retailer releases three cute & comfy high school “uniforms” to wear around the house
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