Sony teases us with “Ghostbusters Proton Pack” April Fool【Video】

04:36 cherishe 0 Comments

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Oh, Sony, why are you doing this to me?

I had three proton packs as a kid. One consisted of a drawing of a proton pack on a sheet of A4 paper that I would tape to my back; another was basically a sheet of wood with a couple of random bits of plastic and wiring nailed to it with some old rubber piping for straps; the third was the officially merchandised plastic toy that may parents eventually decided they should buy for me, probably in an attempt to make their son look marginally less ridiculous playing in the street.

As great as they all were (some more than others…), none of my proton packs ever came close to the ones my heroes, the Ghostbusters, wore on their backs in the films and spin-off cartoon series. So when the words “Sony” and “proton pack” caught my eye earlier this morning, I felt my heart skip a beat.

Or, in Japanese if you prefer:

Sadly, despite this video’s mentions of Dr Spengler and Dr Holtzmann (the latter from the upcoming movie), “liquid helium reservoirs” and “slime-resistent”, it’s pretty obvious that Sony isn’t actually on the cusp of releasing a lightweight proton pack for us all to keep ghosts at bay with and is just a bit of fun in the name of April Fools’ Day and PR.

Still, I can dream, right?

Source: YouTube/Sony h/t Jin
Screenshots: YouTube/Sony

Origin: Sony teases us with “Ghostbusters Proton Pack” April Fool【Video】
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