This Guy Planned Out His Proposal For An Entire Year, And I Believe In Love Again

09:35 cherishe 0 Comments

IT’S HUMP DAY, BABY. And, boy, oh boy, is it a good hump day to be alive.

Why am I so chipper, you ask? Well, that’s because LOVE IS REAL, YOU GUYS.

Yep, you read it here first. Love is real, especially for this adorable Chicago couple.

Josh Schmitz first met his now-fiancée, Danielle Roesch, on Tinder back in 2014. By 2015, he was sure she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but he wasn’t in too big of a rush to propose to her right then and there.

Instead, Josh decided he’d take some time to really show Danielle just how serious he was about wanting a forever future with her.

So, he carried around — and wrote little messages to his lady love on — a white board every day for an entire year.  And every day, he recorded a short video message of himself explaining his heartfelt message.

At the end of 365 days, Josh mashed all of this footage up into a video with romantic music playing in the background, then showed it Danielle, AKA the luckiest woman in the world.

In the video, the very last message on the white board said:

Meet me down by the lake! I have a question to ask you. 8/19/16

Danielle got all dressed up and went down to the lake, but Josh wasn’t there and she never saw or heard from him again.

HAHA, JUST KIDDING. I know, I know. I got you sooo good.

This is what actually happened: She went down to the lake, and he asked her once and for all to marry him and SHE SAID YES.

Here they are on their special day:

Tell me that isn’t the best proposal you’ve ever heard of in your entire life.

And here’s the best video you’ll ever see in your entire life:


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This Guy Planned Out His Proposal For An Entire Year, And I Believe In Love Again

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily