4 Signs There’s Probably A Future With Your Casual Fling

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In today’s world, mastering the game of dating for more than a few of us might seem harder than finding a career path or winning a lottery. So, it is worth knowing the signs to see if your fling is for real, or if you have an expiration date.

With each of these points, the most important thing to remember is not to ignore the signs. Too often we get caught up in the notion that “if he hasn’t ended it yet, he must really be into me.” But the reality is, you never really know why people get into relationships. He could really be into you, or there could be some other motive.

Although they may not want to be lonely, it still may not be a great idea for you to get involved with something serious if you get the notion that he’s unsure of what he wants.

Here are a few ways to tell if he’s seriously into you:

Are you just an option or a priority?

We all understand that it’s not always possible to prioritize relationships and to have the available time that we would love to spend with our partner. There are a couple of signs, though, that will show you if it is worth investing your time and energy into a certain person.

If he makes plans with you according to his own schedule, or ends up flat out breaking them, then you’re most likely not that exciting to him. If he really likes you, he’ll make sure to see you, or at least talk to you, no matter how busy his life is.

Go where it’s warm.

Before you start dating, you should know what it is that attracts him to you why he wants to get to know you more. It might just be that you were the first person to say yes to a date, and maybe he’s not that into you. You owe it to yourself to trust your intuition.

If you feel like you’re being judged by being yourself when you’re in his company, he’s most likely not a good match for you. Try looking somewhere else, for someone that does enjoy your quirks.

You will feel it.

I can guarantee that 99 percent of the time, when he’s the right one, you can feel it. If you’re mind is constantly filled with doubts, and you worry about the lack of attention, or time, you’re getting, then he’s not the right guy for you.

When there’s a strong attraction and connection between the two of you, there’s no need for questioning yourself — everything just flows.

Trust yourself, be willing to hear what your inner voice tells you and choose your actions based upon that.

He really likes you if he still likes you even on your bad days.

We all have unexpected mood swings, bad hair days and days that our skin just refuses to cooperate. Those imperfections are inevitable parts of our everyday lives. If he appreciates you and sees the beauty in your imperfections, you should keep him around.

At the end of the day, you get to choose whom you spend your time with, so choose wisely, and carefully. Remember that actions speak louder than words, and your intuition will always help you decide what’s best.


4 Signs There’s Probably A Future With Your Casual Fling

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily