Japanese internet browser cookies are higher quality than some of the browsers themselves 【Pics】

19:09 cherishe 0 Comments


These handmade cookies are the perfect snack for surfing the web.

Since the dawn of time, humans have shown their affection for things by eating them. We love Pokémom, so we eat Pokémom. We love Rilakkuma, so we eat Rilakkuma. We love cute animals, so we bake them into cakes.

And now Japanese Twitter user @_tabane has made it possible for us to finally show our hungry affection to yet another love of ours: the internet.

“I made internet browser cookies.”

▼ There’s Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera,
and one other weird one that we’ve never seen before.


▼ Huh. That sure is a strange logo.
Maybe we should Bing it?


The cookies may look simple, but a lot of work went into getting them just right. @_tabane shared some pictures outlining the entire creation process:

▼ The first step in any good baking process,
designing the cookie cutters in CAD!


▼ The cutters were then 3D-printed…


▼ …and used to cut the dough into shapes.
There’s that weird one again.


Here’s how Japanese netizens reacted to the browser bakery:

“Poor Netscape, its just a thing of the past now lol.”
“The orange color suits Firefox very well.”
“I feel like these would be good omiyage if you work with engineers.”
“Don’t eat the Internet Explorer one, it will make you sick.”
“Where can I buy these?!”

Unfortunately neither the cookies nor their cutters are currently for sale, but @_tabane has said that they plan on making more cookies in the near future of other browsers (AOL, Edge, Tor, and Sleipnir were all mentioned), as well as try some icing to bring them even more to life. If you want to follow along in the cookie creations, be sure to give them a follow on Twitter.

And in the meantime, if you want to see more awesome Japanese handmade creations, check out Japanese professionals being awesome at their jobs or some 2-D potted plants that look ready to spout some fireballs..

Source: Twitter/@_tabane via IRORIO
Featured/top image: Twitter/@_tabane
