Take a peek behind the scenes of owning your own ramen restaurant【Video】

06:09 cherishe 0 Comments


Our biggest question is how much self-control does it take to keep from eating all the ramen?

If we had to pick our favorite food in Japan, it would certainly be a tough choice, but ramen would definitely be fighting for the number one spot. There are so many different types of noodles, broths and styles that each restaurant makes you feel like you’re eating a brand new take on the dish each time. But, what’s it like behind the counter of a ramen restaurant? The short documentary makers at Life Where I’m From check out the restaurant Mengokoro Kunimoto for all the noodle-y details.

Like most restaurant owners, Kunimoto works the hours necessary for him to successfully run his shop. That means coming in six mornings a week at 8:00 a.m. and staying until around 11:30 p.m.

▼ That makes for a 93-hour work week!


There is plenty of prep to take care of in the morning, most importantly making the delicious broth that forms the identity of each individual ramen shop. And even though Kunimoto only serves four types of ramen, there is still plenty for him to do to keep him busy right up until the end of lunch at 3:30.


Between 3:30 and 5:00 the restaurant is closed, but that doesn’t mean it’s break time. Kunimoto powers through the downtime with more prep and more cooking. Even after the doors close on the last customer of the night, he still has to make sure that the restaurant is scrubbed down and ready to go again the next morning.


When asked if he would rather be doing something else, Kunimoto answers with an emphatic, “No”. He is definitely someone who has found his noodle calling. For those interested in a meal with Kunimoto, you should definitely head to Mengokoro Kunimoto for a bowl of ramen and let him know how delicious his hard work is.

Restaurant information
Mengokoro Kunimoto (麺心國もと)
Address: Tokyo-fu, Katsushikia-ku, Takasago 5-36-10 Uemura Building 1st Floor
東京都 葛飾区 高砂 5-36-10 植村ビル1F
Open: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Closed Mondays

Source & Screenshots: YouTube/Life Where I’m From
