Japanese cook shocks Internet with yolkless egg discovery

05:06 cherishe 0 Comments


There’s no computer generated imagery here – just a case of fart egg.

We’ve seen our fair share of culinary disasters on the Internet lately, but for one cook in Japan, her impressive food fail began even before she stepped foot in the kitchen.

After buying a pack of eggs at the supermarket, this Japanese housewife, who goes by the Twitter handle @Chuchnsdboy, had no idea that she’d picked up a rare and faulty specimen that would end up surprising her and thousands of people online. Once she became aware of her unusual discovery, though, she was quick to share these photos, which were immediately liked and retweeted tens of thousands of times.

What @Chuchnsdboy had discovered was an egg without any yolk. While it might look like the image has been digitally altered to produce an all-white effect, no filter or CGI has been used, and this is exactly how the egg appeared once it had been boiled, stripped of its shell and sliced in two.


In all her nine years of being a housewife, @Chuchnsdboy had never seen such a thing and was immediately curious to find out why the egg had no yolk, and most importantly, whether or not it was safe to eat.

Japanese Twitter immediately responded with a barrage of comments which, while mostly unhelpful in answering these questions, expressed everyone’s shock at the fact that a yolkless egg could actually exist.

How scary! I would’ve freaked out if this happened to me.”
“I’d like to see a fried, sunny-side-up version of this!”

“I had no idea this sort of thing could happen.”
“I bet it would’ve made a delicious white omelette.”
“I’ve been alive for 70 years and this is the first time I’ve ever seen something like this!”


After doing some of her own research, @Chuchnsdboy shared a follow-up Tweet of her findings, saying that these types of eggs are sometimes found, but they’re usually detected during the sorting process before they get sent out to stores and supermarkets. She found plenty of articles saying that there’s no problem with eating eggs like this, so she threw all caution to the wind and ate them without giving it a second thought.

In the West, eggs without yolks are sometimes referred to as “dwarf” or “wind” eggs, or more colloquially, “fart eggs”. This is due to the fact that they’re not regularly formed, meaning they’re often smaller than usual, making them appear as if they popped out by accident while breaking wind. While they’re not all that common, they can be produced when something disturbs the hen’s normal reproductive cycle or in cases where pullets are coming into lay and producing their first-ever eggs.

Given the size of the yolkless egg discovered by @Chuchnsdboy, this ranks high up on the list of unusual varieties that can be found in Japan, along with other specialties like yuzu citrus-flavoured eggs. Farmers might actually want to think about collecting the yolkless kinds in future and sending them off to special restaurants like the all-you-can-eat raw egg eatery in Tokyo. This rare egg is just the type of thing our food-loving reporter Mr. Sato would go back for!

Source: Hamusoku
Featured image: Twitter/@Chuchnsdboy
Insert images: Twitter/@Chuchnsdboy
