What A Guy Is Thinking The Moment You Orgasm During Sex

10:03 cherishe 0 Comments

Ahh female orgasms. How totally elusive and incredibly special they are when they do actually happen.

After I have one, I always think, “Loved that, and also, I’m hungry.” But then again, I’m always hungry.

And apparently, guys also have some thoughts of their own when they’re watching a girl orgasm during sex.

As you’ll see below from these fellas’ responses on Reddit, mens’ reactions to the female O can range from utter pride to total confusion and extreme arousal. It’s a wild roller coaster of thoughts and feelings for sure.

Naturally, they congratulate themselves.

"Fuck yeah, I'm the man"


Think: YES! Mental high-five.

Do: Keep at it until she orgasms repeatedly, or tells me to stop.


"Hell yeah!" (internally, :P) Maybe even a fist pump if I've got a free hand.

It's one of the best feelings in the world.


Pride of course. That is our CREATION!


I instantly channel the spirting of a Latin American soccer commentator and yell as loudly as I can "GOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL"


I mean, of course, leave it to a guy to make YOUR orgasm all about HIM.

It actually turns them on MORE.

I pretty much always orgasm right back. You can't expect me to last through that.


Immediate reaction? I come too.


Any sign of pleasure from my girlfriend makes me more aroused.


Awww, shucks. We have to admit, WE think we’re pretty sexy, too.

Or, they’re just happy they succeeded.

Finally, a chance to take a breather


"Cool, now i can cum too"


Part of me says, "Achievement get!"

Another says, "Is she faking?"

Last part says, "Doesn't matter, had sex!"


Like it and be happy.

(Women can orgasm?)


Well boys, thanks for keeping your shit together this long. Time to finish the job and take a nap.


You’ve got to give it to them, the crusade towards your orgasm can be a journey.

And some can’t even keep it together.

I giggled once….totally killed the mood.

Advice…Don't giggle.


And now, whether you like it or not, you know exactly what’s going through your guy’s head the moment you finish.

You’re welcome.

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What A Guy Is Thinking The Moment You Orgasm During Sex

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily