Guys Reveal What They'd Do If You Proposed To Them And It's Pretty Unexpected

14:11 cherishe 0 Comments

The way proposals work has always felt weird to me. I mean, why does only one person HAVE to have that pressure on them? Beyond that, in a heterosexual relationship, why is the dude usually the person who's deemed wise enough to realize when it's the right time to propose?

I guess all I'm saying is, it's a pretty big decision, and it feels like both parties should be more involved. So what's a good solution? Should a woman propose to a man?

I mean, why not? What's the big deal? If two people love each other and know that they're ready to get married, shouldn't either party in the relationship feel empowered to propose?

Well, if you're curious as to how guys would feel about the roles being switched around with proposals, in a recent Reddit thread, men dished on what exactly they'd think if a girl proposed to them.

These dudes still think it's their job.

no that's my job


Be kind of upset. I just want it reserved for me.


Rachel Lindsay the bachelorette engagement ring


This guy wouldn't necessarily say no, but he wouldn't say yes either.

I'd be flattered but suggest a more traditional approach, at least then I'd be pretty sure where she stands.


It would be AWESOME for this guy.

i think it would be awesome


His response would be sarcastic, but he'd still love it.

If I wanted to marry her I'd probably do the stereotypical crying and "oh my god!" exclamations as a joke then ecstatically say yes and kiss her, only response I could imagine myself doing in that situation.


He'd assume the girl was hammered.

I'd tell her she should go to sleep because she is drunk af.

We both agreed a long time ago to never get married unless one of us gets to earn a lot more money than the other one.


These guys would say no… but not because a girl proposed.

Deny because I don't want to get married period.


Say "no".

I don't like the idea of marriage.

Tbh, I don't see any reason to marry. You can literally have all the exact things it offers but without getting married. Also, marriage doesn't mean anything. You can just get divorced.


This guy would be delighted.

I would be delighted. I don't really care about traditional gender roles.


He would be relieved.

I would actually be so relived that I didn't have to do it as that stuff is so nerve racking to me. But with gender sterotyoes I wouldn't expect it.


Their responses would depend on if they wanted to marry the girl who proposed.

If I wanted to get married I'd say "Yes".
Otherwise I'd explain why my answer is "No".


If we had both talked about marriage a ton and wanted the same things in life, sure


This guy is definitely not opposed.

It's not something I would ever expect, but I've got nothing against the idea.


You'd be saving him money.

Assuming I wanted to marry her, that would be great. Saves me the cost of a ring.


It actually happened to these guys. And it worked.

I married her.


I said yes. 24 years ago.


At the end of the day, the way I see it is, just do what you want. When you're ready to spend the rest of your life with your significant other, and the other person feels the same way, there's no reason either person can't propose.

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Guys Reveal What They'd Do If You Proposed To Them And It's Pretty Unexpected

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily