15 Cats In Christmas Trees Who Are Seriously On Santa's Naughty List

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Cats really tiptoe in between the naughty and nice list every year. One minute, they are cuddling with you close, keeping you warm by the fire. And the next minute, they are clawing up every present under the tree, and eating the pine needles. Even if your cat has been good all year, the minute you introduce the Christmas tree to the house, all hell breaks lose. Your perfect little fur baby has now become the devil, and so many owners end up finding their cats in Christmas trees.

You have to keep reminding your kitten that yes, it is called a tree, but no, it is not a cat tree. They cannot climb it. Your cat won't listen until it's too late, and then they'll find themselves trapped on top like the star, unable to come down. After cleaning up all of the needles that have now fallen onto the floor, you have to rescue your fur baby from what they assume is the bitter end. You hope that they have learned their lesson, but you find your cat back in the same position the next day.

It's not the 25 days of Christmas, it's the 25 days of rescuing your cat from the holiday havoc they have put themselves in. These 15 cat owners totally understand what we're talking about, because they have fallen victim to finding their cat in a Christmas tree. But, we can't be mad for too long. They are our perfect little fur babies after all, even if they are on Santa's naughty list.


1The Cutest Ornament On The Tree

Hey cat, what are you doing in there? You're not a Christmas tree ornament. You can't just hang around. I know you're trying to blend in, but it's not working.

2Don't Give Me That Adorable Look Cat, You Got Yourself Into This Mess

You can give me all of the beady eyes you want, I'm not getting you out of there. Unless you can promise me you won't go climbing the Christmas tree again. No, I won't.

Ugh, stop looking at me like that. Fine, you win!

3You Look Purr-fectly Content With Yourself, Kitty

OK, kitty, you don't look like you're struggling at all. Is this your new hangout space or something? You didn't invite us. You seem pretty relaxed for being in a Christmas tree. We'll let this one slide, but don't get too comfortable, cat.

4Almost Didn't See You There, Cat

You sure did blend in good with the Christmas tree. Your name must be Waldo, because I'm wondering where you are. Just let me know if you need help coming out.

5The First Ornament On The Tree This Year

Cat, I just wanted to let you know it's a little difficult for you to blend in when there is nothing on the tree yet. You have to wait until it gets more ornaments so that it's easier to hide. You stick out like a sore thumb.

6Quick, Pretend You're An Ornament

Here's a little advice, if you stay very still, your owner may not even notice you're in there. Think round and glass-like. Just be the ornament.

7Getting Wrapped Up In The Holiday Spirit

It's pretty easy to get wrapped up when you're literally tangled up in some Christmas string lights. It's a lot easier to get you untangled if you stay still. Or, you can just live in the tree throughout the holiday season.

8Let Me Tell You A Christmas Tail

That Christmas garland looks an awful lot like the cat's tail. It is the cat. Hey, cat, get out of there. This is not going to end well.

9Bah Humbug, This Cat Has Had Enough

He must be feeling a bit like Scrooge, because this cat is getting the heck out of there. No more Christmas spirit for this fur baby. Watch out below!

10Just Hanging At Home For The Holidays

Here's some advice, cat. It's a lot easier to hide if the tree has more branches. Ask your owners for a fuller tree next year.

11This Cat Is Keeping An Eye Out For Santa

We have to hand it to him, this cat is a total genius. If you hide out in the Christmas tree, you may catch a glimpse of jolly old St. Nick. Just remember though, he knows when you're awake.

12This Cat Just Wants To Be An Angel

He's just trying to get to the top of the tree, because he heard that that's where the angel goes. He's not a bad cat, he's simply going where he belongs.

13Sometimes, The Holidays Can Be A Lot To Handle

The struggle is real. We totally can feel overwhelmed during the holiday season, just like this cat who's stuck AF in the tree. You know, same. We feel you, cat.

14I Heard This Is Where The Presents Go

Isn't this where the gifts go? Isn't your cat the best gift you've ever received? Then, yes, this is where he belongs.

15Oh No, Did You Hear That Noise On The Roof?

The fear in this cat's eyes really tells it all. If you think about it, someone coming down your chimney and eating all of your cookies is pretty scary. I would hide out in the tree, too.

Credit: Elite Daily