【Monday Kickstart】See the silly kitty and more vying for the prize in the “Pet Bragging Contest”

19:09 cherishe 0 Comments

This particular kitty seems to be a disciple of Maru’s “If I fits, I sits” School of How to Cat. 

Seeing cats trying to cram themselves inside ridiculous objects never gets old, does it?

Japanese Twitter user @Kogedox0510 shared one of the most recent cats-squeezing-themselves-into-stuff compilations. In his photos, family cat Futa displays its penchant for sticking its nose, followed by its whole head, into things that are none of its business and then striking a pose:

Clockwise from upper left: Futa in a tuna cat treat bag, cold ramen packaging, Garigari-Kun popsicle box, and hooman boots

Futa’s owner also submitted the photos as an entry in the upcoming Japan Meeting of Furries Pet Bragging Contest. As bizarre as that name seems, the Japan Meeting of Furries (JMoF) is an annual convention which offers workshops and seminars in the art of costume-making, acting, and other related areas.

This year, the convention will take place from January 5-7 in Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, and in preparation for the Pet Bragging Contest sub-event, organizers are encouraging Twitter users to post cute or interesting photos or videos of their pets using the hashtag #JMoFペット自慢大会.

Here are a few of the other pets currently in the running for best bragging rights, feline or otherwise:

If Futa doesn’t claim the top prize, then we’re rooting for that last little guy. What a dazzling smile!

Source, featured image: Twitter/@Kogedox0510
