These Tweets About The State Of The Union Tickets’ Typo Are Just Too Funny

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Even before the official night of President Donald Trump's first State of the Union address, the internet has already found a way to make a mockery of the event. On Jan. 29, just one day before the widely anticipated speech, pictures of the official invitations that members of the House of Representatives and the Senate (as well as any other guests) received started surfacing on Twitter — for one very embarrassing reason. And the tweets about the State of the Union tickets' typo are hilarious and perfect, and I wouldn't expect anything less.

Trump is scheduled to give his address at 9 p.m. ET on Jan. 30, 2018, his first State of the Union after just over a year of serving as president of the United States. Naturally, official invitations are distributed to all those attending the speech. But the invitations that were passed out had one very noticeable error that quickly took over social media. Instead of the word "Union" in State of the Union, the invites spelled it with an "m." As in, "State of the Uniom."

Considering the word is in the title of the event, this was a major mistake to miss — and an incredibly embarrassing one at that. After pictures of the invites highlighting the typo began surfacing on Twitter, users doubled-down on their cracks at the president for the misspelling.

And Twitter users were very quick to roast Trump and his administration for the totally humiliating typo.

And a couple of users pointed out that this is not the first time we've seen a spelling blunder under the Trump administration.

With the president and his administration under intense scrutiny from the media and the American public, it's no surprise that Twitter users latched onto this typo and rolled out the jokes. But the truth of the matter is, this typo is not exactly Trump's fault. According to Politico, the House Sergeant at Arms' office is in charge of printing and distributing the invitations prior to the event. According to Laura BarrĂłn-LĂłpez, a reporter for The Washington Examiner, the Sergeant at Arms' office has assured ticketholders that they “will work with someone who has a misprinted ticket and make sure that they will be able to attend the event," and are making efforts to continue to replace misprinted tickets ahead of Tuesday night.

Even though this misprint wasn't Trump's fault, it's pretty easy to understand why so many people would jump to that conclusion.

The president has many a time made embarrassing typos, specifically via Twitter. His most memorable one was the "covfefe" tweet that he posted on May 30, 2017. The tweet was seemingly intended to reference media "coverage," but Trump made a terrible blunder and spelled the word as "covefefe." This typo quickly became into a worldwide trending hashtag, and it's only one of the many, many typos that we've seen from this White House.

And it's not just Trump's personal Twitter account that gets a lot of heat about misspellings. Official White House press releases have also been known to include mistakes much too frequently. An example that comes to mind is a press release back in May 2017 that discussed the goals of Trump's trip to Israel, one of which was to "promote the possibility of lasting peach." And to be honest, mistakes like this seemingly discredit the administration staff all together.

But in this case, Trump is not the one to blame for the typo. And I sure hope that whoever his speechwriters are, they're taking the extra time to make sure that there are no blunders present on the teleprompter on Tuesday night. It could be argued that this might be a pivotal moment for Trump's presidential career, where he finally shifts his focus to emphasize the importance of a bipartisan legislation effort. So there is absolutely zero room for mistakes — not even a silly typo.  

Credit: Elite Daily