Japanese teenager tries to look cool for a girl, gets punished by the universe/wild animal

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Moonlight motorcycle ride for two gets an unexpected third wheel, then things continue to get worse

It’s a well-known law of the universe that as soon as you start trying to look cool, you become much more likely to end up looking like an absolute dork. What some mathematicians forget, though, is that those odds go up exponentially if you’re a young dude trying to show off for a girl.

Take, for example, the case of an unnamed 18-year-old high school boy in the town of Itoshima, Fukuoka Prefecture. Late one summer night, he decided to go for a motorcycle ride, with a high-school-age girl riding on the back of his bike. Classic cool-guy move, and maybe sort of romantic too, right? There was the small technicality that the guy didn’t actually have a motorcycle license, but hey, maybe that was just supposed to add to his rebellious appeal. After all, he’d have to be a real wimp to let the man keep him from riding just because he doesn’t have a piece of paper.

But instead of the man, you know who put a temporary stop to the late-night joy ride? A wild boar, which is exactly what the boy hit while driving down a stretch of road at about 1:30 a.m. on the night of August 12, 2020. The collision caused both him and his female passenger to fall from the bike, with the girl suffering abrasion injuries from the spill.

However, his night was just getting started. Later that night, the boy met up with a group of four other motorcycle riding friends, all high school students in Itoshima, for a group ride. Each rider had a girl on the back of his bike, and they cruised the seaside National Route 202, riding five-wide across the entire street, weaving back and forth, and revving their engines in and around the parking area pictured below.

All the noise caught the attention of annoyed local residents, who called in complaints to the local police precinct. When a patrol car was dispatched, the officer spotted the group, and through analysis of security camera footage the riders’ identities were determined, with all involved admitting to charges of reckless driving. “We wanted to have fun with our friends, and show the girls we were cool,” said one of the riders.

The investigation seems to have been a lengthy one, with announcements of the charges and associated arrests only coming this month. It’s a double dose of bad news for the rider who hit the wild boar, since that incident was completely unknown to the police until they were performing follow-up on the group’s reckless driving investigation, meaning he could have avoided any and all trouble with the law if he’d just gone home after hitting the animal.

So remember, if you ever find yourself in a situation that started with you saying “Hey, babe, check this out!” and ended with you sprawled on the ground and your date cut and bleeding, take it as the universe telling you it’s time to call it a night. Especially if there’s a wild boar involved, because you do not want to mess with those things.

Source: Mainichi Shimbun via Livedoor News via Jin
Top image: Pakutaso
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