Lemon & Cheese pies from McDonald’s bring some sunshine to the rainy season【Taste test】

09:13 cherishe 0 Comments

And Spicy Chicken McNuggets bring the heat.

Japan seems to be settling into the rainy season now, with gray skies and mugginess on a near-daily basis. To counter that, it seems that someone at McDonald’s Japan tried to think up the sunniest foods to make a pie with, and what’s sunnier than lemon and cheese.

It’s a bit of an unusual combination, but McDonald’s pies rarely miss the mark. With that in mind, our reporter Maro bought one for 160 yen (US$1.15) to try it out. The bright colors of the pie box lifted her spirits in the gloomy weather and the little steam holes shaped like lemons were an especially nice touch.

Before eating it, Maro decided to pop it open and check under the hood. Inside were some globs of lemon cream and cheese cream. Just from opening it, she was hit with a refreshing lemon scent not often found in McDonald’s food.

The taste was also very unlike other items on the McDonald’s menu. The fresh tartness of the lemon hit her tongue first, followed by a soothing wave of sweetness from the cheese cream. It felt a little like eating a warm lemon cheesecake.

The taste was great, but if Maro had one complaint it was that the filling was a little too lightly applied. Adding more cheese cream, especially, would have helped to balance the flavor out more.

Luckily, the Lemon Cheese Pie also brought backup in the form of Spicy Chicken McNuggets. Although only available for a limited time, McDonald’s Japan seems to be making a habit of bringing them out every year around June and this year is no different.

They also had a cute little packaging touch to help brighten your day during the rainy season.

“Spice up the rainy season.”

Maro picked up a five-pack for 260 yen ($1.87) with her choice of Sour Cream & Lemon or Garlic Habanero sauce. Since she already had a taste of lemon with the pie our reporter opted for the Garlic Habanero.

These were invigorating too, but in a much different and more painful way than the pie. The garlic flavor offered a brief relief from the heat, but the combination of a spicy sauce on a spicy nugget was pushing Maro’s limits.

Hot pie and spicy nuggets probably aren’t the ideal foods for hot and muggy weather, but each item packed a unique punch that will still put a spring in your step and help stop the dampness of the season from keeping you down. Maro thought they were both satisfying in their own ways too and a nice change of pace from typical McDonald’s offerings. Be sure to grab an umbrella and head over to for some before their time is up in early July.

Related: Lemon & Cheese Pie, Spicy Chicken McNuggets
Photos ©SoraNews24
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