Starbucks Japan’s Lucky Bag #3: A fukubukuro to end all fukubukuro

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You might be a Starbucks fan, but are you this much of a Starbucks fan?

Starbucks has many fans in Japan, but only those who win a lottery have the honour of purchasing one of the chain’s New Year’s fukubukuro lucky bags.

Only three of the 19 members on our team who applied for the lottery were successful, and because the bags contain random items, we wanted to find out exactly what each one contained.

After checking out Masami’s haul and then the one scored by Egawa Tasuku soon after, it’s now time to take a peek into the third and final box procured by our team, which belongs to Takamichi Furusawa.

▼ An overview of this bag’s contents shows it may just be the best one out of all three.

Bag one and two on the left might look enticing, but just wait until you see what bag three has to offer.

The common items across bags were the tote bag, the seven drink tickets, a coffee bean exchange card, a Stainless Steel Bottle, and a bag of Pike Place Roast coffee beans.

Where this bag differs is with the final three items, one of which is the Picnic Mat, which Egawa received but Masami missed out on.

Egawa wasn’t able to give us a good look at the mat, so Takamichi unpacked his for our viewing pleasure.

Instead of receiving the mat, Masami scored a couple of cafe plates. Which was the better item? Well, we’ll let you be the judge.

Whereas the other two bags contained drinkware items, Takamichi received a spiral notebook covered in cherry blossoms.

From Takamichi’s point of view, this was more useful to him than Masami’s tumbler and Egawa’s glass mug (pictured below).

While the items above were pretty much on par with each other in terms of attractiveness, the final item in Takamichi’s bag was a surefire winner.

▼ Say hello to the Wearable Blanket.

Masami and Egawa had received a Multi Case in their bags (pictured left, below), but Takamichi’s blanket made them as green as the mermaid with envy.

The fabric was thick and high quality, and when he put it on and buttoned it up, it created a super cute silhouette.

With the green-and-white blanket shrouding his shoulders, it was as if he was cosplaying as a Starbucks cup, and it made him feel as cosy and warm as the liquid inside it.

So there you have it — the contents of not one but three Starbucks lucky bags! Which one was your favourite? Let us know in the comments section below, and wish us luck for next year, when we’ll hopefully have even more bags to share with you!

Photos © SoraNews24
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