Our reporters search for the spirit of Halloween in Shibuya and make some new friends

It’s been months of events and marketing in the making, and Halloween has finally arrived in Japan. Our own Mr. Sato and P.K. Sanjun decided to hit the streets of Shibuya in costume to  report on the festivities at hand.

Well actually, they went a day early, but as we’ll soon see, October 31st ain’t nothing but an ordinal number assigned to anachronistically named month, because in Japan, Halloween comes whenever you want it to.

Last year, Mr. Sato and P.K. went out as pear-mascots inspired by the famous Funassyi yurukyara. Of course, choosing the same costume two years in a row lacks artistic integrity. On the other hand, they still had gallons of yellow paint at their disposal. That, combined with the large amount of blue bubble wrap that just happened to be lying around, could mean only one thing: Marge Simpson.

Sure the dresses weren’t exactly Simpsons canon and the pair made the bold choice of painting pupils on top of their eyes, giving them a trippy double eye look, but we’ll be damned if they didn’t pull it off.

With our Marges suited up, it was time to head down to Shibuya and check in on the action. Mr. Sato first went to the editor to request a Uber car to take them there.

“Excuse me, could we…” began Mr. Sato.

“What are you supposed to be one of those ‘rocky horror shows’ or something?” asked the editor with his eyes locked on an intense Spider Solitaire game.

Mr. Sato replied, “No, We’re Mar…”

The editor then threw a handful of 10-yen coins at their feet. “Whatever, here’s some train fare. Shut up and get out of here.” he said eyes still fixated on his monitor and made a shooing gesture at them with his hand.

And so, it was time to ride the rails.

Mr. Sato silently stared at P.K. on the train and noticed that his make-up was beginning to peel under the chin giving him a somewhat reptilian appearance. “Should I tell him?” thought Mr. Sato, “Naw, that would just bum him out.”

By the time they exited Shibuya Station, Mr. Sato had really taken to his Marge Simpson character. He was walking through the station with all the grace of a young Jackie O. PK on the other hand carried himself with the poise of a young Dennis Rodman coming off the court.

The guys were growing anxious, knowing that it was actually the night before Halloween. Sure enough, when they hit the famous Shibuya intersection at about 7:00 p.m. they were the only ones in costume. That alone would have made them stick out but the extremely bright yellow paint and yard of blue bubble wrap on their heads really sealed the deal.

However, rather than running in terror at P.K.’s cracking face and Mr. Sato’s all-too-form-fitting dress, everyone pulled out their cameras and asked to have their pictures taken with the pair.

But, as the night went on, bit by bit, people in costume began appearing in the streets too.

And as flakes from the face of P.K. continued to fall onto his dress, they even bumped into the rest of the Simpson family.

But the highlight of the night came when a quartet of pretty girls approached our reporters screaming and waving. Our reporters were initially frightened, but calmed down after realizing it wasn’t the usual pepper spray or court orders that girls like that usually wave at them.

Glancing over at the gullet of PK who at this point looked just like an iguana, Mr. Sato thought to himself, “Wow cute girls like these actually want to talk to a couple of old farts like us?! Halloween is awesome.”

It was indeed a fortuitous Halloween party and a sign that the actual holiday would be even more of a happening in the streets of Shibuya. However, with all of the make-up completely fallen off the throat of P.K. it was time to call it a day.

Merry Halloween to all, and to all a good night!

Photos: RocketNews24

Origin: Our reporters search for the spirit of Halloween in Shibuya and make some new friends
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30 Of The Most Clever Halloween Costumes Of All Time

Uggggggh, why didn’t we think of these?

Insanely long CVS receipt

Insanely long CVS receipt


Picard facepalm

Picard facepalm


Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday


Smartphone zombie

Smartphone zombie


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21 Pictures That Pretty Much Sum Up Being A Human

That’s life. H/T r/me_irl.

This Saturday night.

This Saturday night.


This friendly wave.

This friendly wave.


This reunion.

This reunion.


This 2am message.

This 2am message.


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8 Reasons The Woman You Love Isn’t Ready To Settle Down

She’s funny, sexy and smart. She surprises you with gifts and has a great sense of humor.

She’s the perfect woman for you.

You love her and know you want a serious relationship with her. It’s time to settle down.

But, what happens when she isn’t ready and wants to keep things light?

The answer may surprise you.

The women of today’s world know they’re meant to be great, and they have a purpose in life other than just to procreate.

Here are eight reasons the woman you love isn’t ready to settle down:

1. She won’t settle down yet because she wants a career.

She wants to be a professional and have power, just like men do.

She wants to wake up one day and say, “I did it!”

She wants to feel proud and content with herself.

Women, like men, have the need to feel accomplished. They need to feel they have something no one can take away from them: an education and worlds of knowledge.

They want to be taken seriously and show the world they aren’t just pretty faces.

2. She won’t settle down yet because she wants to enjoy living alone.

She lived with her parents until she was 18 years old. Then, she went to live with a roommate in her college dorm, and she went back to her parents after graduation.

Now that she has a stable job and lives alone, she wants to enjoy her home.

She wants to decorate, light candles and incense all over the house, walk around in her underwear, leave a mess in the bathroom after doing her makeup, spend Sundays in pajamas without showering, eat takeout every day and not have to worry about anyone else but herself.

3. She won’t settle down yet because she has wanderlust.

She went to study abroad in college, and now she can’t get enough of European culture.

She’s become a travel junkie, and she won’t settle down until she fulfills her desire of traveling the world.

She wants to explore life on her own. She wants to see new places, discover new cultures and have new experiences.

4. She won’t settle down yet because she wants to enjoy her friends and family.

She wants to take a whole day off to go to the spa with her friends.

She wants to go to diner with her mother in the evening and go dancing with her male friends at night.

She wants to go to sleep in New York and wake up in Miami.

She wants to be able to do things without having to explain where she disappeared to, or why dinner hasn’t been served yet.

Women enjoy their freedom.

5. She won’t settle down yet because she loves that stimulating, thrilling feeling of not knowing what to expect.

It’s exciting! She wants to live her life without having everything planned out.

She wants to just enjoy the ride and welcome the things and people that naturally come into her life.

6. She won’t settle down yet because she wants time for personal and spiritual growth.

She wants to learn the things she likes and dislikes.

She wants to get to know her inner self and grow emotionally and spiritually.

7. She won’t settle down yet because she wants to enjoy her economic independence.

Now that she’s finally graduated from college, has a stable job and makes decent money, she wants to enjoy spending it.

She wants to go to that fancy restaurant on the beach, buy the car of her dreams or splurge on that expensive watch she saw in a magazine.

She wants to pamper herself because she deserves it.

She knows her priorities will change once she settles down, and she starts thinking about buying a house and saving up money for family trips.

8. She won’t settle down yet because she wants to make sure you’re ready to put your grown-up pants on.

She want you to go on adventures, make mistakes, get to know yourself in solitude and have all the experiences you were meant to have before you settle down.

She wants to make sure you’ve done everything you need to do as a single man, so you’ll be ready to start experiencing things as a couple and spend the rest of your life with her.

8 Reasons The Woman You Love Isn’t Ready To Settle Down

Credit: Elite Daily » Dating


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The most ingenious David action figure is here to strut his stuff and show his new moves【Photos】


Michaelangelo’s marble interpretation of David is without a doubt one of the most iconic statues in history. I’m sure every one of you out there is familiar with that stony gaze and perfectly-chiseled, rock-hard body as David stands poised and ready to face the giant Goliath.

But after centuries of standing and waiting to fight, David is now ready to strike a few new poses, with your help, as he makes an appearance as your very own personable, posable action figure!

This David figure is the third in a line of figures from Figma featuring posable versions of world-renowned statues, including The Thinker and Venus de Milo. Unlike other typical replicas of these timeless pieces, you can customize them with interchangeable parts, props, and joints that allow for a whole new range of movements.

▼ Studly David in all his glory, as you probably know him best


▼ With a stern look and sling over his shoulder, he’s ready to make his move


But with this figure, you are not stuck with the same position that everyone else with a David figure has. This special David is made with smooth plastic and movable joints, allowing for a whole range of possibilities.

▼ Stern David approves of this upgrade

Michaelangelo’s David was sculpted to depict him before his fight with Goliath, but with the additional props and interchangeable parts, you can poise him mid-swing and ready to fight!


And, most amazingly (or creepily), even his eyes are movable, so he can glare at giants from any direction!

▼ Ol’ Shifty-Eyed Dave was never the same after what he went through…


(edited by RocketNews24)

▼ You’ve got the bod, now work it like you mean it!



Even those who aren’t artists can enjoy making masterpieces of their own with the help of these classics. You can preorder your very own hunky David action figure here from Play Asia for US$42.99, and The Thinker and Venus de Milo are available here.

Source: Kai-You
Images: Good Smile Company

Origin: The most ingenious David action figure is here to strut his stuff and show his new moves【Photos】
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Why I Prefer Traditional Male-Female Roles In My Relationship

On a late Sunday afternoon with the first chill of fall in the air, I was standing in my sun-drenched kitchen chopping vegetables for dinner, while my boyfriend was outside cutting the grass.

It made me feel like a 1950s housewife, and that made me blissfully happy.

I like cooking, cleaning and doing laundry.

I prefer my boyfriend to be the bug killer, lawn mower, light bulb changer of the house.

This makes me wonder why, as a modern and progressive Millennial woman, do I find so much happiness in traditional and frankly, outdated male-female roles?

I’m girly.

I like clothes, makeup, jewelry and hair products. I have a very extensive and highly-organized Pinterest.

I’m pretty good at decorating, and amazing at cooking and baking. I am nurturing (at least when it comes to my dog). In general, I’m a pretty girly person if we’re going by what’s considered traditionally feminine.

Hopefully you’re not picturing Elle Woods (I generally wear all black and I have more than a couple tattoos), but as far as my personality goes, I definitely play the role of a female very well.

Maybe because of this, I need a boyfriend who is just as masculine as I am feminine.

I need a guy who knows how to fix my car, and could probably scare off an intruder in the middle of the night. A guy who’s not afraid to get dirty doing yard work and can fix the faucet when it leaks.

I once dated and eventually got engaged to a guy who was just as into clothes and dressing well as I am. He also had a questionable amount of expensive name brand hair products in his bathroom.

His apartment looked like it came straight out of an IKEA catalog, and he was even more of a neat freak than I am.

When the dishwasher wasn’t cleaning dishes properly, I advised him to rinse the dishes before loading them. Instead, he insisted on calling the apartment’s maintenance people to come up and look at it.

Needless to say, we broke up.

Don’t get me wrong; I don’t want some super macho guy who spends all his time lifting weights and hunting.

But I need a guy who can balance out my femininity.

I’m not a 1950s housewife.

Although I like the traditional male and female roles in my relationships, I would never want to actually be an old-school housewife.

For one thing, kids are revolting to me.

The last thing I want in life is a bunch of kids and their friends taking over my house. Plus, if I didn’t have a job, I’d die of boredom.

If I ever wanted to get divorced, I know my friends, family and society wouldn’t judge me like they would if it was the 1950s. I don’t feel the need to be dolled up with dinner hot and ready on the table when my man comes home from work.

I think we all have both masculine and feminine qualities, and some people have more of one than the other.

For example, I’m into a lot of girly stuff and can spend hours looking at makeup at Sephora, but I also know how to build a perfect campfire. I’m not afraid to get dirty outside.

Gender stereotypes have played a huge role in our lives lately and have gotten tons of media coverage, whether it’s from Caitlyn Jenner, the focus on women’s reproductive health or the countless other factors contributing to the issue.

I’m definitely all for women’s rights, but when it comes to my romantic relationships, I like to feel like the woman.

Why I Prefer Traditional Male-Female Roles In My Relationship

Credit: Elite Daily » Women


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President Obama Couldn't Handle This Kid's Adorable Pope Halloween Costume

This is too cute.

Hundreds of local school children attended Halloween celebrations at the White House on Friday afternoon.

Hundreds of local school children attended Halloween celebrations at the White House on Friday afternoon.

Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images

The president and first lady were there to hand out special White House candy to the kids.

The president and first lady were there to hand out special White House candy to the kids.

Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images

It was all going as planned until...

It was all going as planned until...

Saul Loeb / AFP / Getty Images

A little kid turned up in this INCREDIBLE Pope Francis costume.

A little kid turned up in this INCREDIBLE Pope Francis costume.

Andrew Harnik / AP

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15 Songs You Loved (But Forgot About) From 10 Years Ago

Remember Howie Day lol?

"Listen to Your Heart" by D.H.T.

"Listen to Your Heart" by D.H.T.

Why this song spoke to you: Remember puberty? Remember longingly staring out of your bedroom window pretending to be sad? This song went hand in hand with both of those.

"Just the Girl" by The Click 5

"Just the Girl" by The Click 5

Why this song spoke to you: Backstreet Boys + All-American Rejects + funny hair = The Click 5. They were like the perfect mix of everything you cared about in 2005.

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7 Baby Steps To Ease Back Into Dating After A Breakup

In today’s world, there is a certain type of infidelity in relationships.

Trust and honesty seem to be limited, and we tend to become bored more easily.

For various reasons, we end up dating more than just one person. It takes us a couple (or many) failed attempts to finally find the right one.

Then, instead of staying married for 50 years like our grandparents, we’re filing for divorce the second something goes wrong.

A lot of relationships in our generation are lacking will and fighting power.

You can break up with someone via text message, and you can file for divorce online.

It’s less likely for couples to talk about their issues. Instead of taking the high road, we tend to take the easy way out.

When a breakup happens, most of us are sent into a downward spiral. After each breakup, getting back in the saddle gets even harder.

Starting over becomes a grueling process, where many of us would rather stay in our uncomfortable situations than have to begin again.

Better yet, we’d rather just be alone.

I’m not an expert at relationships. In fact, I’m probably better off giving advice about what not to do, rather than what to do.

But from experience, I’ve learned what I have to do in order to pick myself up after falling apart.

1. Let yourself do dumb things.

The way I look at it, you might as well go ahead and get this out of your system.

Drink too much, hook up with the wrong people and get all the stuff you’ll regret over with. For me, it seems the faster I get this stuff out of the way, the faster I pull my life back together.

If you can avoid this process altogether, good for you. But if you’re anything like me, be an idiot for a while.

Then let it go.

2. Learn to trust again.

Once our trust has been broken, it’s often hard to regain it. But just because one person screwed you over doesn’t mean everyone else will.

Learning to trust and open up emotionally is like learning to walk. You have to start from square one.

Each person you date deserves a clean slate. Don’t carry over the mistakes of your ex into your new relationship.

This, however, is easier said than done.

3. Remember who you are.

Sometimes, in the midst of a long, drawn-out relationship, we can forget who we truly are.

Before you start trying to pursue a new relationship, you should definitely know where you stand.

If you’ve been with someone for years, it can be really hard to remember who you were before you were with him or her. Spend time with your family and friends, travel and do the things you love to do.

After all, the next person you date will want to get to know you.

4. Accept your mistakes.

No relationship is perfect, and no one in a relationship is perfect either. If you were the one to blame for the end of the relationship, accept it.

Going into denial won’t help anything. If you were the wrong-doer, realize what you did wrong and learn from it.

A couple of weeks ago, a guy I dated in high school texted me to apologize for cheating on me.

I had hardly heard from him and hadn’t seen him in over three years, but he went on to say he learned so much from the experience, and would never cheat on anyone again.

Live, learn and accept it.

5. Be willing.

You can’t start over if you don’t allow yourself to.

I often find myself dwelling over the past. I have an overly accurate memory, which makes it hard to forget things.

But I quickly realize I won’t move anywhere if I don’t try. Sitting in your house alone on a Saturday night won’t help you move on or meet new people.

So, when your friends are annoying you and trying to get you to go out with them, just do it.

No hesitation.

6. Communicate.

While it’s very true the new person you’re seeing doesn’t want to hear you talk for hours about your ex, I do think it helps if you mention him or her.

We all have exes who are a part of who we are. I’d much rather tell someone about my past relationships and have him tell me about his than try to ignore the past all together.

7. Don’t try too hard.

I’ve found relationships always work themselves out. Don’t force yourself into a new relationship if you’re not ready.

If a new relationship is budding, let it bloom by itself.

Don’t make it happen too fast, and don’t try too hard. Take your time and enjoy the ride.

7 Baby Steps To Ease Back Into Dating After A Breakup

Credit: Elite Daily » Dating


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Goodbye For Now: Why Some Bonds Are Meant To Be Unbreakable

Someone once told me time heals all of our wounds. But when I lost who I thought was the love of my life, I hoped that in time, my wounds would heal.

I told myself in time, I would come to terms with what I had lost, and it would all be for the greater good.

But what I have learned is this: Sometimes, you can make a connection with someone that is so powerful, it will stick with you no matter how many years go by.

Sometimes, the more time you live without him or her, the more you realize there aren’t many people like him or her in the world.

The more time you spend helping your friends and loved ones through their own personal relationship dramas, the more you begin to see the beauty of what you had.

The simplicity, the chemistry and the sheer unconditional love you had for one another made being together so damn easy.

But when life gets in the way, and the relationship you once thought was invincible gets swiped out from under you, the happy ending you hoped for is no longer in the cards.

But what about the couples in the movies who meet up at a coffee shop after so many years apart? Do they eventually live happily ever after?

Is it still possible to find forgiveness and reignite a previous flame when the timing is right?

That is my dilemma.

You see, fundamentally, this person can have everything you are looking for in a partner. He or she can be fun, loving, caring, compassionate and down to earth, yet you can despise him or her so much for leaving you in the dust and ultimately breaking your heart.

Your pride says you can’t walk back into the arms of someone who hurt you, but your heart tells you it would be time well-spent.

For some crazy reason, you don’t want to be with the person right now. But you know you can’t live without him or her forever.

Maybe letting go “for now” is a blessing in disguise. After all, there is a true, genuine reason as to why the relationship failed to work the first time.

Whether it’s from timing, distance or just who you were at that stage of your life, there is sometimes a far more valuable reason as to why things didn’t go to plan.

Maybe we are meant to go our separate ways and figure out who we are and what we want from our own life before we can fully give our whole self to somebody. Maybe we just need time to get our sh*t together.

Part of the reason we hold on to something so special is because we are afraid a love so great won’t happen twice. Sadly, we are worried that when we come to the end of our life, we will regret not fighting for something that was eternally worth it.

We associate that person with our happiness, and fail to have faith that maybe life has something better in store for us.

Quite frankly, we can’t imagine having anything better than what we had.

But with great triumph comes great risk, and the ultimate risk is losing the one you love not once, but twice.

In life, we take everything for granted so easily. Only once it’s gone do we realize the true value of what we lost.

Perhaps we can only hope the time we spend apart can ultimately fuel our love in the future. Hopefully, it will only push us to become better people.

Hopefully, when the time is right, we can love each other to the best of our potential.

I truly believe there are some people in life who are impossible to forget. You had a love so great, the memories you shared with the person are still your most prized possessions.

Maybe time doesn’t heal all our wounds. But maybe time can give us clarity and perspective.

Maybe it can make us reflect on what we had, so in the future, we will know what we want.

I guess all we can hope for is one day, our paths will cross again. We will never have to look back.

Goodbye For Now: Why Some Bonds Are Meant To Be Unbreakable

Credit: Elite Daily » Dating


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Adorable parrot uses magazine scraps to enhance tail feathers, be the squawk of the town 【Video】

parrot 05

Being a parrot is tough. You can easily get stuck in things, and you might find that repeating what the humans tell you can get you in a lot of trouble. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you.

But all that hasn’t stopped one parrot from doing everything she can to look her best. This little bird loves carefully tearing small pieces out of magazines and then stuffing them into her tail feathers, making her look like the fanciest parrot on the block.

Her Japanese owner managed to catch her doing it on camera, and you’ve got to see it to believe it!

Here’s the tweet that brought this amazing little parrot to the internet’s attention:

▼ “No one ever believes me when I tell them about her doing this.”

▼ Hey, what are you doing there, ripping up pieces of magazine?

parrot 01

▼ And, uh. why are you putting them into your tailfeathers?

parrot 02

▼ You can see the new paper-feather sticking out as she goes in for another piece.

parrot 03

▼ And then she shoves it right in with the other.

parrot 04

▼ Look at that smile as she gets ready for a third. You go girl!

parrot 05

While at first we thought that the parrot was doing this to make herself look bigger and tougher, either to attract mates or ward off potentially enemy-parrots, the original poster has suggested an entirely different reason:

▼ “I’m pretty sure that she’s doing it to collect material to build a nest with.”

And apparently it’s not just this one owner’s parrot who acts this way. Many other owners chimed in to say that they’ve seen their own parrots tearing apart newspapers and magazines and shoving the scraps into their tailfeathers:

“Oh man, my parrot used to do this all the time too. I miss her so much….”
“Yes! My parrot does this. I love when they look behind themselves and are like ‘what am I doing?'”
“Yup, I could never have anything made out of paper in the same room with my parrot. It’d get ripped to shreds.”
“My books are covered in parrot love-bites.”

So all you future parrot-owners out there, take this lesson to heart! It may be a good idea to house your adorable little pet in one room, and your treasured books and manga in another.

Source: Twitter/@shychihoko via Togech
Images: Twitter/@shychihoko

Origin: Adorable parrot uses magazine scraps to enhance tail feathers, be the squawk of the town 【Video】
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