Happy New Year from RocketNews24!


Ordinarily, Japan has no problem working itself to the bone. That’s not the case at the start of the year, though, as the nation pauses to catch its breath and charge up for the months to come by visiting relatives, leisurely reading New Year’s cardseating osechi, and buying lucky bags.

While we at RocketNews24 like to think of ourselves as proficient multitaskers, even we’re not capable of getting much work done as we use both hands to stuff our faces with food or carry as many shopping bags as possible, and so we’ll be slowing down a bit as we take advantage of one of the few times Japan relaxes its hard-line stance against anything remotely resembling laziness. We hope you all get to do the same, regardless of where in the world you are.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to have even more great stuff for you whenever you visit our site in 2017!



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Pikotaro gets English pronunciation training for PPAP from AI robot, Musio X【Video】


The “P” in PPAP needs more power, passion and party!

Due to some cosmic event, Pikotaro and PPAP have become a viral sensation that have taken over the world. After all, how does a song about fruit and pens become so popular without the help of some otherworldly force?

But even though PPAP has become such a worldwide success, that doesn’t mean there isn’t room to make some improvements. So Pikotaro enlisted the help of a little robot named Musio X to improve his English pronunciation as well as include a bit more passion and party

You can watch the video here:

Things start off swimmingly for Pikotaro, but as soon as he gets to his signature lyrics, Musio X has some pointers to offer.


Power and passion we can understand – a good English actor truly enunciates his or her words.

▼ After all, enunciation is the mark of a good actor,
and when you enunciate, you spit!

However, how does one introduce more “party” into your song?

▼ For Pikotaro, it apparently means more emphatic hand waving,
more dancing and more smiling.


If nothing else, Musio X offers Pikotaro a slightly different way to present his palatable pen poem. There is no way that Pikotaro will ever forget such a unique English lesson. To native ears though, we kind of wish Musio X spent a bit more time focusing on the “l” sound in the word apple rather than the “p” in pen and pineapple.

▼ There is no distinction between “l” and “r” in the Japanese language.


With the recent news that Pikotaro has made absolutely zero yen from his hit song so far, we hope that by appearing in plenty of commercials he is on his way to rectifying that situation. If nothing else, with Musio X’s help, he is well on his way to becoming a great Shakespearean actor! Just imagine Pikotaro’s Hamlet, “To be or not to be”, as long as he doesn’t mix up the “b” sound with a “p” sound, it could be okay!

Source: PR Times



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Sephiroth’s One Winged Angel absolutely dazzles on the hand of one you’ve ringed


Who knew Final Fantasy VII’s baddie would make such a gorgeous engagement ring? Takayas Custom Jewelry knew.

Final Fantasy XV might be on the minds of all the gamers in recent weeks, but the game that comes up time and time again in the long-running fantasy game series is Final Fantasy VII. Often cited as a fan-favorite, its cast of memorable characters, moving plot, and epic music have fans chomping at the bit waiting for the planned re-release.

While most fans have to sit tight for Square Enix to unleash another round of knights from a table, one loving couple decided to bring the world of Final Fantasy VII to their home a bit earlier by designing a custom engagement ring.

▼ This ring is no illusion.


Takayas Custom Jewelry has been on a roll lately with some of the most inspired custom engagement and wedding rings, such as the custom Sailor Moon and Star Wars ones. Their commitment to detail and creativity constantly forces us to pick up jaws from the floor.

When creating this ring, Takayas worked diligently to adhere to the wishes of the client, who asked for an emerald stone center with Sephiroth’s wing on one side and his Masamune sword on the other.  

▼ Come and bask in the glory that is Sephiroth…
or put it on the finger of your loved one.


▼ The way the emerald is set with the sword and the wing is stunning.


Though the entire ring is cast in platinum, the “one wing” is plated with black rhodium to give off that menacing Sephiroth feel. Just looking at it inspires the “One-Winged Angel” theme song to start playing in our head, and by our count that makes the project a huge success.

For those interested, more details about how the ring was designed can be found on the Takayas Custom Jewelry Blog page.

▼ Nothing to be sad about with this chosen ring!



Whether it’s dangerous to go alone or simply finding the key to someone’s heart, Takayas has the experience and skill to make your jewelry worth cherishing. We can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

Source, insert images: Takayas Custom Jewelry Blog
Top image: Takayas Custom Jewelry Blog (edited by RocketNews24)



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We attach chemical butt-warmers to our crotches but really should know better

Mr. Sato continues to push his hypothesis that the male groin is the gateway to efficient regulation of body temperature, even if it means serious bodily harm.

Earlier this year during the scorching summer heat, Mr. Sato had the idea that the sensitivity of the male nether regions would make it the ideal place to add some cooling spray for rapid relief. While it worked for a brief moment, the intense agony that followed made the method unsuitable for most people.

Now, the days are getting colder and colder and flakes of snow have even been sighted in the Tokyo area. So, Mr. Sato’s thoughts turned once again to his pants as a way to stay warm. Having kind of learned his lesson, he paid an once more consideration to his well-being and carefully chose a warmer.

These are called Poka Poka Oshiri No Hoppe or “Toasty Butt Cheeks” in English, and they are a type of pack which generates chemical heat known as a kairo in Japan. They are widely popular in the country and can be placed in one’s pocket or adhered to one’s midsection. These particular kairo, however, are specially designed to stick to butt cheeks.

Figuring the groin and the butt are but two sides of the same coin, Mr. Sato thought this would be the best product to try out down his pants. However, it should be noted that this was done without the blessing of the product’s manufacturers and is clearly advised against on the package several times.

▼ “Please be sure to read the package before using”

Since these were designed to go on butt cheeks, each pack had two kairos inside, and since Mr. Sato would only require one for what he was about to do, he decided to recruit fellow writer P.K. into his experiment.

Mr. Sato: “Here. Pull down your pants and stick this thing on your junk.”

P.K.: “Okay.”

The two sat and waited for something to happen. This was different from the cooling spray which went to work immediately. They could feel the pad warming up but it wasn’t anything special.

However, bit by bit a warmth began to cascade through their body like there were dim but reliable fires burning in hearths at their cores. It was a wonderful sensation and Mr. Sato described it as “like resting your privates in a tiny bathtub full of warm water.”

Even better, there was no pain afterwards like with the cooling spray. The warming sensation simply ran its course gently until finished.

However – and this is a big “however” – we absolutely do not recommend anyone try this at home. These packs claim to heat up to an average temperature of 49℃ and a maximum of 59℃. Even though these aren’t scalding hot they can cause what is known as “low temperature burns” if the area they are applied to doesn’t get enough circulation.

Also, applying such heat directly to the testis can’t be good for these guys’ sperm counts if they ever plan to father children…

Eh, maybe that was never in their cards anyway. Who has time for kids when there’s burgers with $85 worth of pickles waiting to be eaten?

Photos: ©RocketNews24



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One of the most popular cosplays at Comiket: a kamehameha beam from Dragon Ball

Not cosplaying as Goku, but as the actual kamehameha beam itself.

The latest winter edition of Comiket, the world’s biggest biannual Comic Market convention, is currently going on, and aside from the dƍjinshi “fan comics” on sale, one of the biggest attractions is the cosplayers.

Usually the cosplays at Comiket are well-known for their high quality, whether they’re suave and stylish or just trying to be funny. But this time around one of the cosplays getting the most attention was also one where the phrase “high quality” doesn’t immediately come to mind: Goku’s kamehameha beam.

“First time I’ve ever seen someone
cosplay the kamehameha beam itself.”

For those who need a quick refresher, the kamehameha beam is of course Goku’s signature attack. It’d be kind of like cosplaying as Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber, or Harry Potter’s wand.

The person who did this ingenious cosplay goes by the Twitter handle @tky888tky, and he popped up in the comments, which let us see some more of his oddly-inspired and low budget cosplay:

▼ He dressed up as Pallet Town from PokĂ©mon…

▼ …Cinderella’s castle…

▼ …a horrifying Togepi…

▼ …and a Primeape with duct tape rolls for bracelets.

Honestly, the creativity is off the charts here. While super-detailed and accurate cosplays of well-known characters will always be popular, it’s great to see some more abstract cosplay of lesser-known characters… or attacks… or locations….

Japanese Twitter had some interesting responses to the kamehameha cosplay:

▼ I’m not sure what this is, but yes, yes I agree.

▼ I think this commenter really captured the spirit of the cosplay.

And if you want to see some more high-creativity low-budget Dragon Ball cosplay, be sure to check out Low Cost Cosplay’s versions of Goku, Cell, and Piccolo and so, so much more.

Source: Twitter/@syosui
Featured image: Twitter/@dbzemporium



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It’s that time of year again! These are my favorite discoveries of the last twelve months in makeup and skincare, with an inexpensive option for each one. Some debuted this year while others still reign supreme. Either way, you’re going to want to try them if you haven’t already! Without further ado…



  • Cleanser (Splurge): If you haven’t discovered By Terry Rose Cleansing Oil yet, you’re in for a big surprise! It moisturizes as it cleans and leaves your skin feeling amazing.
  • Cleanser (Steal): I created my Amy Nadine Camellia Cleansing Oil to offer an affordable cleansing oil and convert everyone from soap and water, one friend at a time! I developed it with Camellia Oil (a replenishing oil), Calendula extract (super calming), Arnica extract (soothing) and Grapeseed Oil (an antioxidant powerhouse) and even the most acne-prone sufferers not only can use it, but will actually see their skin calm down and stop producing extra oil. While the dry-skin sufferers will get much-needed moisture instead of having it stripped of it from soap. You can still find a few left at Costco or the link above and I’ll do a tutorial soon to show how you use it without splashing! It’s a game changer in happy skin.
  • Moisturizer (Splurge): I can’t live without Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream in my kit to instantly revive my clients skin.
  • Moisturizer (Steal): Super Salve Mimosa Blossom Dream Cream will change your life in the winter months.






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Famous Japanese “talent” Becky to appear on special Fuji TV New Year’s program


Joining her will be famed educator Hirotada Ototake, who was also caught up in a scandal this year.

Japanese “talent” Becky, whose affair with musician Enon Kawatani made headlines and subsequently got her banned from Japanese television for several months, will make an appearance as commentator for a New Year’s Day special of Fuji TV’s program Wide na Show.

Alongside her will be Hirotada Ototake, who this year dealt with a scandal of his own when it was revealed in March by a tabloid magazine that he’d had affairs with five different women since the birth of his oldest son in 1998. Ototake is a famed educator and author, born without any arms or legs due to tetra-amelia syndrome. Before the scandal, the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan had considered Ototake to run in the summer 2016 upper house elections.

▼ Hirotada Ototake

The two will appear on Wide na Show: Gantan SP (New Year’s Day Special) as guest commentators. For Ototake, this will be his first time back on the program as a commentator since February, though Becky’s last appearance on the same program was only back in October. She has been back in the entertainment world since she made her first official reappearance on the program Full Chorus – Music is Full Chorus this past summer.

Topics expected to be covered on the special New Year’s program include outlooks for the world of show business in the coming year, sudden changes of major world leaders including the new U.S. president-elect Donald Trump, and a number of other various topics. The program will air in Japan on January 1, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

If you are more familiar with American TV, here’s a random fun-fact: Becky’s sister, Jessica Rabone, was in season 12 of So You Think You Can Dance! While Jessica has all the moves to rival a Japanese hip-hop trio, Becky looks content to set her goals on redeeming herself in the eyes of the Japanese public with more frequent appearances on local television programs.

Source: Yahoo!News Japan 
References: Wikipedia, Japan Today 
Top image © RocketNews24



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Yuri!!! on Ice Promotes Main Character’s Home Prefecture


This fall’s hit anime Yuri!!! on Ice and Saga Prefecture’s Sagaprise! project announced on Monday that they are collaborating to promote YĆ«ri Katsuki’s home prefecture.

The project will kick off with events in Tokyo, and it aims to establish YĆ«ri’s hometown as an anime pilgrimage site. The collaboration will offer regional products and special themed merchandise.


YĆ«ri’s anime hometown of Hasetsu is based on the real-life city of Karatsu in Saga Prefecture. Saga Prefecture sits in the northwestern part of the island of Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s main islands. Due to its proximity to Korea and China, Karatsu was an important ancient trading port. The city’s most prominent feature is Karatsu Castle, and Karatsu holds the popular Karatsu Kunchi festival every year.

Karatsu’s official website offers side-by-side comparison images of Hasetsu in the anime and Karatsu in the real world:

▼ Karatsu Station



▼ Karatsu Castle



▼ Maizuru Bridge



▼ Kyƍmachi Shopping Arcade



Check out Karatsu’s website for even more comparison images.

The 12th and final episode of Yuri!!! on Ice aired last Thursday and hinted at the possibility of a sequel with the message “See You NEXT LEVEL.” If the anime returns, fans will probably get more glimpses of beautiful Hasetsu/Karatsu, and a new wave of anime pilgrims will continue to support the city.

Source: Comic Natalie

More from Anime News Network:



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Cosplayers brave the cold in skimpy outfits at Winter Comiket in Japan


Despite the Tokyo chill, things are heating up at one of the city’s most popular comic conventions.

As 2016 comes to a close, thousands of comic book fans are currently making the journey to the Tokyo Big Sight convention centre for the biannual Comic Market known as Comiket. The current event, on from 29-31 December, is the 91st instalment in what’s become the world’s largest convention for “dƍjinshi” or self-published Japanese works, which means the limited-edition items on sale here are considered to be very rare.

While many come to get their hands on the prized, hard-to-get works, others come to cosplay, and our Japanese-language reporter made the trip to the convention centre on Comiket’s opening day to see what popular characters he could find on the grounds. From anime idols to anthropomorphised warships, let’s take a look at some of the most popular cosplayers he encountered on Day 1 of the convention.

▼ Showing way too much skin for a winter’s day was Sheryl from Macross Frontier.


Unchou Kan-u is a skilled warrior feared throughout Kanto in the manga series Ikki Tousen, also known as Battle Vixens. In the real world, she drew a huge crowd of photographers at Comiket.


▼ Photographers also flocked to see Reika from GANTZ.


This is what Japanese submarine I-58 looks like in anthropomorphised form from the Kantai Collection (“Fleet Collection”) web browser game and anime series, commonly abbreviated as KanColle.


One Piece girls Nami and Nico Robin were also in attendance, representing their team of animated bounty hunters, who must’ve been too cold to make it in to Tokyo on the day.



Some popular cosplayers like KONOHA opted to attend as original characters, taking inspiration from the world of Disney and Alice in Wonderland.


KanColle was one of the most popular inspirations for cosplayers this time around, with a number of characters from the series spotted on the grounds. Here we have heavy cruisers Tone and Chikuma coming out to battle the cold in human form.


▼ Musashi and Yamato from KanColle were also seen putting on a show of strength.


▼ Here we have Kanetsugu Naoe, the self-proclaimed “warrior of love” from the Hyakka Ryƍran: Samurai Girls light novel series.


▼ And no cosplay event could be complete without an appearance from the cast of Love Live!



▼ Street Fighter‘s Chun-Li showed off her strength.


▼ Hostess Miyabi from dating sim video game DREAM C CLUB Gogo. made everyone’s virtual dreams a reality with her presence.


▼ As did the receptionist from Monster Hunter.


▼ Kay from Girls und Panzer was also there, turning heads at the entrance.


▼ Characters from Desutoro 246 made an appearance.


▼ As did Cidney, or Cindy, from FFXV.


▼ There were White Cat Project characters…


▼ Revy and Roberta from Black Lagoon


▼ And Kurumi with her shovel from School-Live!


With two more days left for cosplayers and attendees to join in the fun of Winter Comiket 2016, we can’t wait to see what other creative cosplay costumes turn up at the event. Which one was your favourite from opening day?

Photos © RocketNews24



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