This Video Shows How Far Russian Beauty Has Come In The Past 100 Years (Video)

Beauty and fashion trends are constantly changing.

Just when you think you’ve finally mastered one look, it’s sent straight to the style grave and a new trend takes over.

Therefore, it’s no surprise ladies have embraced a lot of different looks over a relatively short period of time.

The Cut just released its latest edition of the “100 Years Of Beauty” series, and this time, the time-lapse video takes us on a visual journey through Russian culture as it examines the evolution of ideal beauty throughout the past century.

The Cut uses a gorgeous model to show us how Russian beauty trends have gone from classic, elegant appearances and minimalist chic to rebellious glam — all in just 100 years.

As you watch these trends transition over time, it is interesting to note how cultural changes, government regulations and the forces of female empowerment influence the beauty ideals of each decade.

This Video Shows How Far Russian Beauty Has Come In The Past 100 Years (Video)

Credit: Elite Daily » Women


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