Website of pics of hot Japanese guys promises to make women feel “as much moisture as placenta”

18:09 cherishe 0 Comments

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Recently, we explained how to say “Introduce me to a cute girl” in Japanese, which is “Kawaii ko wo shoukai shite.” On the other hand, if it’s a hot guy you’d rather meet, just replace kawaii ko (cute girl) with ikemen (hot guy).

If you’re willing to settle for the fantasy of perusing pictures of ikemen, though, there’s a new site filled with images of handsome up-and-coming Japanese actors for download, and its organizers promise the photos will “Turn on the switch of excitement” in women, and that they have “moisturizing effects equal to placenta extracts.”

Japanese stock photo network imagenavi has just launched its newest brand, dubbed simply IKEMEN. A collaboration with women’s internet portal Cyuncore, IKEMEN features actors from Cyuncore’s Cyundra series of online dramas.

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Clicking on the ikemen of your choice brings up dozens of pictures in a variety of scenes and outfits.

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From there, clicking on the individual images will bring up a list of sizes and prices.

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▼ Dr. McDreamyhair’s busy life as a medical researcher meant he had no time for love…until he met you!

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▼ The fact that he’s sitting by himself means he’s probably single. On the other hand, the fact that ordered two drinks at once suggests he may also be an alcoholic.

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▼ Is he…scolding a dog with a rolled-up magazine?

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Prices start at 3,240 yen (US$26) for photo rights, which include commercial use. Accessing the catalogue here is free, though, so it won’t cost you a thing to browse through the photos of, as the site itself puts it, “The ikemen angels who rain down excitement on women’s dried-out hearts.”

Source: IT Media
Top image: IKEMEN
Insert images: IKEMEN (1, 2, 3, 4) (edited by RocketNews24)

Origin: Website of pics of hot Japanese guys promises to make women feel “as much moisture as placenta”
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