Cosplay for pets! Dog fashion retailer selling Attack on Titan capes, uniforms

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In recent years, it’s become increasingly popular for doting dog-owners in Japan to dress up their pets in little outfits when they head out for a walk. But since their canine companions are already equipped with a natural coat, all doggy fashion is really doggy cosplay, so why not dress your dog up like a member of the cast of smash-hit anime Attack on Titan?

Online dog clothing shop Sniff, which sells its wares through Rakuten’s marketplace, recently unveiled its Attack on Titan Survey Corps cape.

Attack on Titan’s protagonist Eren has now been shown up by Mikasa, Levi, and this adorable pooch.

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Featuring the Wings of Freedom insignia on the back and a stylish hood, the cape actually opens and closes with a Velcro strip along its front, meaning you can have your pet ready to go out scouting for Titans in just seconds.

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The Survey Corps cape is priced at 3,780 yen (US$31.50) and is available in three sizes: small, which measures 28 centimeters (11 inches) around the neck and 13 centimeters in length, medium (30 centimeters neck, 19 centimeters length) and large (40 centimeters neck, 25 centimeters length).

If you feel like your dog would be practically naked wearing just the cape, though, you can also opt for Sniff’s full Survey Corps uniform.

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The more complex design costs 7,344 yen, and is available in a variety of sizes ranging from 21 to 35 centimeters in neck circumference and 22 to 43 centimeters in length.

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Preorders for both outfits are being taken now (cape here, uniform here) with shipment scheduled for early November. The cut-off date for orders is November 4, so don’t delay if you’ve got a dog who loves to sit on your lap as you watch anime.

Source: Rakuten/Sniff (1, 2)
Images: Rakuten/Sniff (1, 2) (edited by RocketNews24)

Origin: Cosplay for pets! Dog fashion retailer selling Attack on Titan capes, uniforms
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