Taiwan train pass cancelled after image found to have came from Japanese adult video

Japanese actress Yui Hatano has been big in Taiwan after her sexy role in the film Sashimi, which came out in January this year. As a result, she has been hard at work establishing her brand there by appearing on one of the nation’s most used train IC cards among other things.

In many ways her fame could be compared to that of Sola Aoi in mainland China. In fact she would be a good comparison because both women have made the often challenging crossover from adult video to more mainstream movies. Of course, when walking that line between acting careers it’s not surprising when one spills over into the other.

That’s what happened when one of the photos used for a series of IC cards featuring Hatano was found to have been lifted straight off the box of one of the actress’ more risqué works.

■ 26 August, 2015

It was with great pleasure that the people behind Taiwan’s EasyCard announced a limited edition set of cards bearing the likeness of Yui Hatano. The cards were designed in cooperation with Hatano, with the proceeds going to charity.

Two versions of the 15,000 limited-edition cards would be made, going on sale for NT$500 (US$15) together from 1 September. One is called the Angels Version which shows Hatano with a bright, casual smile while the other, the Demons Version, is a little more sultry looking…or is it?

It didn’t take long for some people to recognize the Angels Hatano image as one that was used for one of the videos the actress made during the previous chapter of her professional career. Nor did it take long for the revelation to get back to EasyCard who denied responsibility later that evening saying, “We took the Demons photo, but the Angels image was provided by Ms. Hatano’s people.” They also added that the card would not go to sale at least until they changed the Angels photo.

■ 27 August, 2015

The following day, a press conference was held with representatives from EasyCard and Hatano. Each side issued apologies for allowing an image taken from an adult video to be used for a charity transit pass.

Hatano also released a personal statement which stated that was still happy to help the people of Taiwan who have supported her so much even though some might disapprove of her past.

“Can’t I take part in a charity event in good faith, just because I’m an adult video actress? Can’t I give back to the people of Taiwan whom I love?”

It certainly seems like a heartfelt apology, but is it enough to let Hatano get a second chance at being an “angels?” The future of her EasyCards remains a mystery for now, just like the mystery of how collectible pay-as-you-go cards became a thing in the first place.

Source: ET Today, CNA [1][2] (Chinese) YouTube
Top Image: YouTube – Apple Daily Taiwan

Original article by Meg Sawaii

▼ Trailer for Sashmi (mildly NSFW)

Origin: Taiwan train pass cancelled after image found to have came from Japanese adult video
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