These crustaceans are going to make you put fountain pen to paper

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How often do you sit down, dip your pen in some ink and write a letter or put your thoughts down on paper? The art of handwriting might be lost in the West, but surprisingly, students in Japan will often practice cursive writing even though they aren’t taught it in class. And in Japan, there are still plenty of chances for people to write things out from resumes and New Years cards to love letters and condolences, so there is always an opportunity to show off your epic penmanship.

And if you feel your written notes are lacking a certain artistic flair, the stationery store KINGDOM NOTE has just the thing for you: Colors! It’s not just normal boring colors that they are offering either, but original inks in colors inspired by crustaceans.

The Japanese fountain pen company Sailor is collaborating with KINGDOM NOTE to bring you amazing inks in colors inspired by our natural world. This is actually the fourth time the two have put out a series of inks, with previous inspirations coming from insects, wild birds, and mushrooms.

▼ KINGDOM NOTE x Sailor’s first three original ink sets


This time around, they are borrowing from the vast ocean to create colors fit for a king crab! Actually, the king crab is not one of the colors on offer this time, but you will be able to dip your pen in zarigani (Japanese crayfish) blue, coconut crab brown, giant spider crab red, Japanese tiger prawn brown and fiddler crab light green. Those are five crustacean colors you can write home to your mom about!

▼ From top to bottom: Zarigani blue, coconut crab brown, giant spider crab red, tiger prawn brown, and fiddler crab light green

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Each of the ink color has a special individual hue that was created from pictures of the animal and the animal itself. Although there probably isn’t any actual crab in the ink, the colors perfectly match the original crustaceans, which are proudly displayed on the labels.

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Each bottle of ink will be 2,160 yen (US $17.42) and you can get them from the KINGDOM NOTE website starting September 23. Coincidentally, that day is also National Fountain Pen day in Japan, so grab your favorite fountain pen and some quality white paper and get ready to create an ocean of new missives with this special ink inspired by crustaceans.

Source: Net Lab
Top Image: Syuppin Press Release
Inset Images: Nikkei Trendy Net, Syuppin Press Release

Origin: These crustaceans are going to make you put fountain pen to paper
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