Top-selling guide for picking up women in Hong Kong becomes the target of petition


Women of Hong Kong are none too happy about a bafflingly best-selling book that purports to teach men tips and tricks for picking up and having promiscuous sex with women in the Chinese autonomous territory. Get Laid in Hong Kong (at least the title is to the point) is a “sex tourism guide” of sorts for visiting western males that the pseudonymous author says is “guaranteed to get you laid.”

The book, perhaps in a sad reflection of the state of humankind, apparently hit No. 1 for Amazon sales in the “Asian Travel” category before it was briefly taken off virtual shelves due to backlash from Hong Kong women and an ongoing petition.

Get Laid in Hong Kong was apparently written by a Chinese-American author calling himself The Lone Wolf Traveler. The product description on Amazon reads a lot like The Lone Wolf Traveler is hoping to cement some kind of reputation as a pickup artist with the book, however, claiming to offer, “tips, strategies, where to find the girls, how to contact them, and even what to say and do in order for you to get laid in Hong Kong!”


We probably don’t need to remind you that this isn’t the first time that a “pickup artist” has found his game being shot down en mass by Asian women. Julien Blanc, one of a small circle of “professional” pickup artists that have managed to turn coaching their techniques into a lucrative career, was banned from giving his pickup “seminars” in multiple countries after video surfaced of him appearing to assault numerous women in Japan, in addition to making multiple disparaging and dehumanizing remarks about Japanese women in a video he himself posted to his YouTube channel.

Both Get Laid in Hong Kong and Blanc’s attitudes highlight a broader problem about the way Western males treat and view Asian women. You don’t need to look far on the Internet for instances of Western men proclaiming Asian women to be “easy,” or anecdotes of Asian women being harassed by Western men under the impression that Asian women are too meek to rebuff their advances, stories of women being attacked by a crazed assailant obsessed with Asian females, and you can even get your hands on a “memoir” of one man’s sexual adventures with Japanese women called—we kid you not—”Black Passenger, Yellow Cabs.

Unsurprisingly, Get Laid in Hong Kong only further reinforces the stereotype, with the crux of the book revolving around the idea that just being a foreign, English-speaking male is enough to lure women in Hong Kong into bed. It further describes domestic workers from other parts of Asia as “hungry” for sex, and provides anecdotes of the author “gaming” girls working night shifts at 7-Eleven, as though the women of Hong Kong are fair game to be harassed at their workplace, in addition to out on the street.

Get Laid in Hong Kong is currently (at time of writing) on sale at If the petition on has anything to do with it, however, it probably won’t be for long.

Source: The Nanfang
Images: Amazon

Origin: Top-selling guide for picking up women in Hong Kong becomes the target of petition
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