Who Run The World? How Women Are Making Waves In Male-Dominated Fields

You may have noticed more women making waves in male-dominated fields over the past several years.

Last week, this became even more apparent, as the Arizona Cardinals hired Jen Welter, the first female coach in NFL’s history. This comes just one year after Becky Hammon was hired by the San Antonio Spurs as the first full-time female assistant coach in the NBA.

Sports women, like myself, have been dreaming of this day since the first time we watched “Any Given Sunday.”

We idolized Cameron Diaz for not only owning a football team, but also owning in general.

Yes, women still don’t get paid the same amount as men. Yes, women are more vacant in corporate roles and technology fields than men. However, when women do take on such roles, they seem to accumulate more success than their male counterparts.

When Fortune 500 companies, such as Microsoft and Yahoo, are screaming, “SOS!” they seem to think the answer to their problems is some good old-fashioned #GirlPower.

Marissa Mayer, current CEO of Yahoo, has gotten a lot of flak for not impressing investors. Yet, she should really be in the spotlight for Yahoo’s “buy” rating for the greater part of 2015.

Hannah Rosin breaks down some astonishing statistics in the Atlantic on how women have only begun to dominate the workforce:

“For every two men who get a college degree, three women will do the same.”

In 2010, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in US history. Women are finally getting the opportunity to show America, and the world, that “anything you can do, I can do better.”

Rosin suggests, and justifies, that this modern, post-industrial society may just be “better suited to women.”

I think it’s safe to say gone are the days when it was unheard of for a woman to be in any previously male-dominated field. (And if you think women don’t have “the balls” to beat out men, literally, tune in to this montage of women beating men in MMA boxing.)

Lawyer, consultant, “The Apprentice” winner and motivational speaker Marshawn Evans said it best in her book, “S.K.I.R.T.S. in the Boardroom”:

“If a woman can raise a family, singlehandedly prepare a Thanksgiving dinner fit for a king and run a household, she can run a corporation and still have time to get her nails done.”

Women have been multitasking since they learned to speak, and this trait has helped them succeed in this modern, technology-driven era.

They can run their careers all while still upholding their standard, stereotypical “caretaker” responsibilities.

Women no longer have to choose between having a career and a family. The rise of entrepreneurship and the expansion of Internet allows women to have their cake and eat it, too.

In fact, sometimes motherhood is what helps to lead them to success.

Ree Drummond, an award-winning American blogger, New York Times bestselling author and television personality got her start by blogging on her life as a ranch wife and mother from her ranch in Oklahoma.

It’s an exciting time to be a woman in America. We’ve always had a voice, but we’re just finally being heard.

Only time will tell what future impact women will make on business, the economy and, yes, the world.

Who Run The World? How Women Are Making Waves In Male-Dominated Fields

Credit: Elite Daily » Women


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