“Poo curry” restaurant now hiring interns, award-winning Tokyo University grad student applies

It’s been about two weeks since Curry Shop Shimizu opened for business in the Chitose-Funabashi area of Tokyo. Considering the only dish they sell is a curry which mimics the taste of human feces, you might expect sales to have been slow.

However, not only is business booming, the demand has become too much for owner and adult film star Shimiken to keep up. As a result he put out an ad for interns to help take his poopy curry to the next level. On top of that, if you thought Curry Shop Shimizu’s fortunes couldn’t get any better, they are attracting top-tier applicants on par with the nation’s leading corporations.

Since opening, Shimiken has consistently sold out of toilet bowls filled with his bitter brown cream as customers continue to flock to Curry Shop Shimizu. This is of course great news for the shop’s owner, but having been open for just two weeks, Shimiken must focus on paying off his initial investors before expanding, so requires the free-labor of interns rather than regular employees for the time being.

Don’t misunderstand the situation, however; although this restaurant is very much an enormous practical joke, these internships are not. Shimiken is looking for help in Curry Shop Shimizu’s Management and PR Strategy Departments, while he continues to run the day-to-day operations and serve up his special recipe.

Whoever is accepted into the Management Department will have to monitor the shop’s fixed costs, expected sales, and number of visitors and find a way to maximize sales. In addition, they will be involved in the creation of projects to increase customer numbers, develop new products, and (perhaps most difficult for poop-curry) ensure repeat customers.

The intern assigned to the new PR Strategy Department, meanwhile, will have to take a good look at this marketing survey conducted prior to the opening of Curry Shop Shimizu.

Their task, if they choose to accept it, is to change the minds of the 85 percent who said they would never set foot anywhere near a place that serves feces-flavored curry. By taking advantage of social networks and mass media, they must make Curry Shop Shimizu appear like a happening place that offers exciting events and a side of fun with what would surely be the worst thing they have ever eaten.

▼ Moreover, it’ll be pretty hard not to have to scrub toilets at some point during this particular internship.

These are challenging tasks but these internships promise to be very hands-on and allow the interns to become deeply involvement in management and PR. Perhaps that’s why their recruitment page on Japanese recruitment site Wantedly has already attracted applicants from Japan’s top universities such as Waseda and the University of Tokyo.

One would-be poo-PR man states that as well as graduating from the University of Tokyo, he was a recipient of the school’s prestigious President Award. They also said that if given the choice between Curry Shop Shimizu and a leading brokerage to which they also applied, they’d go for the challenge and experience of marketing pooh-flavored curry.

And so, with their dark brown curry flowing into porcelain bowls like…(naw, let’s not go down that road), and Japan’s finest coming out to join the effort, it appears that the shit has truly hit the fan at Curry Shop Shimizu, and that we’ll be hearing a lot more about this place in the months to come.

Restaurant Information
Curry Shop Shimizu
B1-A Joy Park Chitose Funabashi, 1-1-17 Funabashi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
東京都世田谷区船橋1-1-17 ジョイパーク千歳船橋B1-A
Lunch: 11:30am – 2:30pm
Dinner: 6:00pm – 11:00pm
Holidays: Fridays and any day that the curry accidentally tastes good
Phone Number: Unlisted
Website: http://ift.tt/1gMy7rD
Twitter: @unkocurryshop

Source: Wantedly via Niconico News (Japanese)
Images: Wantedlyxfs (Edited by RocketNews24)

Origin: “Poo curry” restaurant now hiring interns, award-winning Tokyo University grad student applies
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