Amy Schumer And Serena Williams Posed Topless For A Calendar

Lookin’ good, ladies.

So Amy Schumer, comedy kween, posed topless for the 2016 Pirelli calendar and it's pretty great.

So Amy Schumer, comedy kween, posed topless for the 2016 Pirelli calendar and it's pretty great.

Pirelli / Annie Leibovitz

So did tennis champ Serena Williams.

So did tennis champ Serena Williams.

Pirelli / Annie Leibovitz

Shot by Annie Leibovitz, this year's calendar reflects a sea change from previous calendars.

Shot by Annie Leibovitz, this year's calendar reflects a sea change from previous calendars.

Mostly because a lot of the women have clothes on.

“When Pirelli approached me, they said they wanted to make a departure from the past. They suggested the idea of photographing distinguished women," said Leibovitz. "After we agreed on that, the goal was to be very straightforward. I wanted the pictures to show the women exactly as they are, with no pretense."

Pirelli / Annie Leibovitz

As a reminder, here's what the Pirelli calendar typically looks like.

As a reminder, here's what the Pirelli calendar typically looks like.

Yup, lots of model butts.

Pirelli Calendar / Via

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