Japanese Twitter has its collective mind blown by “map of Europe” illusion

map of europe top

There’s more going on here than meets the eye.

We don’t want to spoil anything here, so we’ll get right down to business.

Japanese Twitter user @nktr_25 recently tweeted this image causing quite a commotion online:

“Showed this picture to my little sister a moment ago and she was like: ‘What’s that a map of? Europe?’ I guess it does kind of look like a map to a normal person. (Oh, the pure heart of an elementary schooler!)”

I’m going to be honest here. I spent a good five minutes staring at the picture, trying to figure out what it could possibly be besides a poorly drawn map of Europe.

Do you see it? If not, then scroll down for spoilers.











▼ It’s two guys kissing.

Well I didn’t see that one coming! And neither did most other Japanese netizens. Here’s some reactions:

“At first I could only see a map. Now I can only see that.”
“I could’ve sworn it was a map of Gondwanaland….”
“My little brother thought it was a dinosaur.”
“What a beautiful alliance between countries.”

While most thought the revelation was hilarious and amazing, others were determined to show that the picture was actually a map:

▼ It’s going to be a hot one today, folks. Watch out for drizzles in the south.

▼ “It’s a map of Southeast Asia.”

So what about you? Did you see the kiss right away? If so, then congratulations! You’re either really good at spotting fake geography or you need to lay off looking at all those steamy pictures online…you’re starting to see them everywhere.

Source: Twitter/@nktr_25 via My Game News Flash
Featured/top image: Twitter/@nktr_25

Origin: Japanese Twitter has its collective mind blown by “map of Europe” illusion
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