NEW GAME! author tweets teaser site link for anime adaptation site


Moe-style anime NEW GAME! gets new official website with TV broadcast and cast reveal info.

New Game! is a four-panel manga series by Shotaro Tokuno, centered around recent high school graduate Aoba Suzuki and her new position at an all-female video game company called Eaglejump.


After receiving high praise for its cute, engaging characters and a realistic look into how the Japanese video game industry works, the series was green-lighted in last October for an anime adaptation that will begin broadcasting on television from March 27, 2016.

On December 29, Tokuno tweeted a link to a teaser website for the series with the broadcast time, channel, and character list.

▼ “A teaser website for the NEW GAME! anime went up today, so please check it out…!”

Unfortunately those eager to find out which voice actresses will be playing each character will have to wait until the big reveal at Anime Japan 2016, Japan’s largest anime convention, going on at Tokyo Big Sight from March 25–27.

Source: Twitter/@tokutaro via CUPO
Top/feature image: NEW GAME! Official Site
Insert image: MyAnimeList

Origin: NEW GAME! author tweets teaser site link for anime adaptation site
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