Thousands Of People Are Lining Up To See A Flower That Smells Like Death

Yup, this is what we’re doing now.

Huge crowds have gathered to see the rare blooming of a flower famous for its disgusting odour at the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden in South Australia.

Huge crowds have gathered to see the rare blooming of a flower famous for its disgusting odour at the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden in South Australia.

Facebook: Adelaide Botanic Gardens

One of the world's largest flowers, Titan arum is nicknamed the "corpse flower" for its scent, which is often described as akin to rotting flesh.

The scent only appears when the flower blooms, which is an exceedingly rare event. The blooming is only fleeting, lasting for around two days before the flower collapses.

"Flowering events are rare because the plant is so difficult to cultivate, even in optimum conditions," said Matt Coulter, horticultural curator at the gardens.

"The fact the flower, and its signature stench, will only last around 48 hours before it collapses on itself, makes it a must-see event for plant lovers and curious souls alike."

The seed for the Mount Lofty flower, named "Indah", was sourced through a donation in 2006.

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