24 Makeup Milestones For Anyone Obsessed With Beauty

The switch to proper makeup brushes is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

When you start using primer.

When you start using primer.

Because when you are working all goddamn day you want that makeup to stay on as long as possible.


When you're able to do a smokey eye without looking like a panda.

When you're able to do a smokey eye without looking like a panda.

Might still take a whole load of concealer and cotton buds, but you get there.


And when you forgo eyelash curling and three coats of mascara, for some beautiful false lashes.

Instagram: @sminkoholicarka

When you use foundation that actually matches your skintone.

When you use foundation that actually matches your skintone.

R.I.P the days when you wore foundation a shade too dark or too light. On purpose. :/

Kazzakova / Getty Images

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