4 Reasons I Only Date Cougars And IDGAF What You Think About It

I am at that awkward age between the post-grads and the “adults.”

The post-grads are the newly-anointed kings and queens of local happy hours.

On the contrary, there’s the enigmatic, yet still noticeable crowd of people who hold the keys to houses that have more than four walls, cars that don’t break down and offices where they work meaningful 9-to-5 jobs.

Then, there’s me.

I’m 25, employed and college-educated. I can often be seen at your local watering hole, drinking the bartender’s latest pick.

The thing is, I don’t see myself as a member of the crowd of early 20-somethings, who rage until the lights come on after last call, and then post-game with drugs and EDM.

As I begin to break this trend, I have started to pursue older women.

My mom always told me I would end up getting hitched to a woman a few years older than me.

However, it was a bit of a shock to her when I announced that my new main squeeze was not from the “socially acceptable” age bracket of my Generation-Y counterparts.

Nonetheless, she predicted it. Who says mothers don’t know best?

1. No Drama Mama

Throughout our courting (yes, there are still guys out there who don’t jump your bones after offering you a vodka cranberry), I have come to realize I’m not bludgeoned with the mindless gossip my age group presents.

Those conversations usually end with “sorry, not sorry.”

The more I meet older women, the more I have noticed their worries in life are different from those of the girls on Tinder with their obnoxious quotes and sayings.

Those girls in their 20s are still in their early post-grad years.

All of us have been there, at the midnight rager with girls wearing pink and blue fluorescent paint on their letters, back when no one cared about anything except the next high.

As Gen-Y folks begin to have the familiar “quarter-life crises,” the feeling of pure torture that comes with a whiskey hangover and MSG-laden Chinese food headache begins to get old.

To be honest, I’m driving that struggle bus on some mornings.

But for older women, the priorities have changed.

Waking up at 11 am has changed to watching “Good Morning America” with black coffee.

Kim Kardashian’s escapades aren’t that noteworthy.

2. Highbrow Over Heels

Older women seem to appreciate a “nice guy.” Not all guys are sexually-starved heathens who start conversations with “Netflix and chill?”

Recently, I talked about politics, religion and life goals over happy hour burgers and fries with an older woman.

Afterward, we parted ways with a hug.

Nope, no sex tonight.

If my life was scripted, the next scene would involve me erasing her number and hopping back on Tinder to send a cheeky pickup line to the next lucky lady.

But I really liked that she could keep up with the conversation, and the fact that she always added her opinions and beliefs into the mix.

Smart is key.

3. More Experienced

One night, while we were laying on the bed in my 400-square-foot studio apartment, things began to get intense.

But she wouldn’t stop talking. I loved that.

As someone who is genuinely interested in everything, it’s tough to find a girl who actually wants to smother me with verbal pleasure.

I don’t only want to hear how interesting the morning meeting with her coworkers was, or how good a new recipe she learned from Rachael Ray was.

I want her thoughts on life in general.

I have found there is a greater connection with someone who has lived a longer life than I have.

With age comes wisdom.

4. Candid Cougar

My previous experiences with younger women have shown me women refuse to believe that they don’t know what they want.

Hold on: Don’t flood the Internet with hate memes and hashtags just yet.

I’m not slamming all the women who read this. Let me explain.

People in their 20s have no idea what’s going on.

Many of us talk about quitting our day jobs to run our own small businesses. We may go on hiatus to Paris or Prague.

We could even crawl out of the limelight to become starving artists.

Not knowing is completely fine.

I don’t really know, either.


However, if there’s too much pressure in your life because you’re getting over a previous relationship or deciding whether or not to be a vagabond, just come out and say it.

Men are given the unbelievably hard task of trying to discern the meaning behind an eye roll, a disappointed look or an invitation back to her place after the row of Fireball shots are downed.

I’m no better, either. It’s just a guy thing sometimes.

Older women are much more upfront with their wants and needs.

I’ve found that many are very strong women. They don’t play games.

So, before everyone begins fussing, I say age is just a number.

The way you treat people determines how “old” you really are.

4 Reasons I Only Date Cougars And IDGAF What You Think About It

Credit: Elite Daily » Dating


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