Crying assemblyman Ryutaro Nonomura returns—shaven-headed and with a bizarre new move

Following his tear-drenched press conference and constant ear cupping, disgraced assemblyman Ryutaro Nonomura finally gets his day in court—and shocks the public yet again with a new trademark move.

I really never thought I’d have to pull this video out again, but let’s go back to the summer of 2014 when Ryutaro Nonomura, facing accusations of embezzling at least 2.2 million yen (US$18,000) of public money, faced the press.

It was a defining viral video for a scandal-ridden year in Japan, and made “crying conference” a major buzzword across the country. The alleged crime and subsequent embarrassment sent Nonomura into a life of seclusion at his parents’ home in Osaka.

As time passed, people began to move on with their lives, and the fact that Nonomura had used the money he stole—which he has now paid back—to help his parents made some sympathize with the assemblyman. It was all enough to make you think that Nonomura had done his time and should just be left alone…unless you happen to be a public prosecutor who decided to go forward with criminal charges.

With the 49-year-old now standing trial for the misappropriation of government funds, it’s hard not to turn on a TV in Japan and hear that distinctive wail all over again. And while you might expect him to keep as low a profile as possible during the proceedings given his past media attention, it turns out that Nonomura showed up for his first day in court with a completely shaved head.

Moreover, he goes and does this…

You certainly don’t see many courtroom sketches like that.

Without being present in the courtroom or anywhere near Nonomura’s state of mind, I could only assume he was making a conscious effort not to cup his ear to hear what others were saying, so leaned in instead. Perhaps…he figured this would be less conspicuous?

Nevertheless, the Japanese media has latched on to what they are calling “Nonomura’s new pose” which, as you might imagine, is also drawing the collective amusement of the internet masses.

“At long last, a new pose!”
“Photoshoppers are gonna have fun with this.”
“Wow, a 90-degree bend!”
“This guy really ought to get into show business.”
“He looks like he’s playing that penalty game with Downtown.”
“He looks like a dragonfly.”

Depending on the outcome of this trial, Nonomura will probably seek seclusion again, but he really ought to consider getting into the entertainment field. He certainly has a natural gift at making people smile without conscious effort. Unfortunately that talent usually tends to appear at the worst possible times for him.

Source: Twitter via My Game News Flash (Japanese)
Video & Top Image: YouTube/avengerkira15

Origin: Crying assemblyman Ryutaro Nonomura returns—shaven-headed and with a bizarre new move
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