Seven reasons why 80 percent of young South Koreans don’t want to live in their own country


South Korea is a popular travel destination adored by many, but a recent survey suggests that almost 80 percent of its citizens want out. Why?

South Korea sees millions of visitors each year, with many tourists flocking to the nation for its seasonal beauty, exotic food, vibrant pop culture, and expertise in the beauty industry. To many K-pop and K-drama fans, South Korea might seem like a dreamland, but a recent survey by South Korean website Saramin suggests that, in reality, the majority of the population are longing to leave their homeland for good.

The survey asked a total of 1,655 men and women if they wished to migrate out of South Korea, to which 78.6 percent of the participants responded that they would if they could. Among them, 47.9 percent were already making actual plans to exit the country.

The younger generation showed stronger intentions to leave, with 80 percent of the participants in their 20s expressing a desire to move to foreign lands, as compared to individuals in their 40s (72.4 percent) and those above the age of 50 (59 percent).

What’s pushing the citizens of South Korea towards foreign pastures? Here are the top seven reasons cited by those who participated in the survey:

1. The desire for a lifestyle that allows more freedom, instead of being chased around the clock by the pressures of work (applies to both job-seekers as well as working adults).

2. Poor living and working conditions

3. Economic inequality

4. Anxiety over life after retirement

5. Being sick of the highly competitive society

6, A feeling that the country is not protecting its people

7. Other countries providing better welfare systems

Every job has its own difficulties, and it would be impossible to completely escape the pressures of work, no matter which country one lives in, but the working environment in South Korea must be in quite a dire state for that particular reason to rank in at the top of the list. We’re not experts on the welfare policies in South Korea, but having a poor welfare system combined with a non-existent work-life balance does sound like an endless nightmare.

Is the grass really greener on the other side, or are the South Koreans simply griping about the lemons life is giving them? If you have any insight on the issue, share your views in the comments section below!

Source: Nate News via Zhaizhai News
Top image: Wikimedia Commons/Smirne76

Origin: Seven reasons why 80 percent of young South Koreans don’t want to live in their own country
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