The 30 Most Important Cats Of 2015

This has been a tumultuous and difficult year for cats, but it has not been a year without cat triumph, cat perseverance, and – dare I say – cat redemption. These were the most important cats of 2015.

Cat Who Made This Face When Someone Meowed Back at Him

As Cat Nietzsche famously said: "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you meow long into an abyss the abyss also meows at you."

Cat Who Made This Face When Someone Meowed Back at Him

Cat Who Hung Around A High School So Much That They Made Her A Student

As countless voyagers on this quest we call existence will know, the School of Life offers manifold lessons for free. The Leland High School, however, will only teach you if you have an official Leland High School ID card.

Cat Who Hung Around A High School So Much That They Made Her A Student

Facebook: bubbatheschoolcat

Facebook: bubbatheschoolcat

"Whosoever keepeth their kittens in a row hath but a row of kittens. But he who keeps his kittens in a stack hath true wisdom, as well as extra storage space."
– Old but largely unhelpful adage about kitten storage

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