These Are The 5 Stages Of Going On An Awkward Double Date (Video)

It’s not that you don’t like your boyfriend’s friends; you do.

All of the group outings with his pals were nice times — the time you guys saw “Minions” as a joke, the time you saw the Yankees get slaughtered and the time you had movie trivia night at Mr. Dennehy’s.

But now, your boyfriend proposes you double off with his best bud and the new girlfriend. Great.

It’s not that you don’t like her per se. It’s just the standoffish vibe you got when you first met her… and her general lack of eye contact or, as some would say, general rudeness.

Regardless, now you’re stuck in a situation where you have to be kind to someone you’d rather pass on the street feigning a phone call.

Time to grin and bear it. You have to appear like a good sport.

Follow Keri as she goes through the five stages every woman goes through on a forced double date.

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These Are The 5 Stages Of Going On An Awkward Double Date (Video)

Credit: Elite Daily » Dating


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