Our reporter wears the Boku Sera schoolgirl outfit, visits Harajuku, takes purikura


Fellas, want to know how to spend the perfect day as a high school girl in Japan? It involves selfies, food pics, purikura, shopping, crepes, and of course, the new spring Boku Sera sailor suit uniform!

Schoolgirls in Japan get to do a lot of fun things, like wear cute uniforms and be as kawaii as they want without anyone questioning their decision. After all, if schoolgirls can’t be super-cute who can?

But guys get a raw deal. Their uniforms tend to be a little more on the austere side, and even in Japan, which is generally cool with girly stuff, it’s still kind of eyebrow-raising to see a young dude enjoying a yummy crepe while snapping a selfie, or taking photo booth pictures that make them look like they’re wearing extra makeup. Sure, they can (and do) do these things, but generally in an ironic way and with one or more girls present.

But our reporter, Seiji, still feels bitter about having to grow up as a boy and therefore miss out on the whole high school girl experience. But since the introduction of the Boku Sera range of schoolgirl uniform-like outfits for men he feels validated in his choice to experience schoolgirl life as a middle-aged dude. And since he’d already purchased the new spring Boku Sera uniform (for professional research purposes, of course), he decided to put it on and make a day of it, schoolgirl style!

First, he enlisted the help of some of our female staff to make sure that his sailor suit was properly adjusted for a day of fun.


▼ A quick commemorative snap before hitting the train. Don’t let Seiji’s deadpan expression fool you – inside he was a squee-ing ball of schoolgirl glee, primed and ready to forage for sources of sugar and really sparkly hair accessories.


On the train, he did what any modern schoolgirl would do – checked his social medias.


Soon, he arrived at his destination: Tokyo’s fashion mecca of Harajuku!


Naturally, he made a beeline straight for Takeshita Street, which, with its affordable teen fashion boutiques, plentiful crepe stands, and purikura booths, is the perfect schoolgirl hang-out spot. Would Seiji blend in seamlessly with the crowds, or would he be cruelly shunned for possessing a Y chromosome and being several years past his high school graduation?


To Seiji’s relief, nobody seemed too terribly shocked at his outfit. The general attitude seemed to be that if this grown man wanted to wear a sailor suit, that was his business.


But first, since our man Seiji had adopted the fashion of a growing girl, he needed sustenance! Luckily, Takeshita Street is also fully equipped with a plentiful array of restaurants popular with teens. He considered chowing down on a beef bowl, but in the end decided that any style-savvy schoolgirl would opt for spaghetti instead. After all, Italian cuisine is the last word in chic. Or at least it has a bit more cool-factor than something a middle-aged man would eat like a pile of meat and rice.


After the obligatory food pic (careful, watch the sauce!) Seiji needed a replenishing cigarette to steel himself for the remainder of the day, which consisted of a gruelling schedule of selfies and sweets. Sometimes this whole schoolgirl routine can be draining…


After his smoke break, he decided to sweeten up with a delicious crepe from the nearby Baskin Robbins. Opting for a strawberry cheesecake ice cream crepe, he even attempted to daintily eat the entire thing with a spoon, like a schoolgirl would do. When that proved ineffective, he eventually shoved the whole thing into his face. Again, like a schoolgirl would do.


After the crepe, Seiji realised that his outfit lacked one vital schoolgirl addition – accessories! He quickly impulse-bought an adorable pair of kitty ears.


Kitty ears in place, it was time for purikura! Here’s Seiji posing up a storm.


Every schoolgirl knows that the best part of purikura is doodling on the snaps at the end!


How kawaii! And that lipgloss is on point!


Here’s Seiji’s sticker set in full!


The face of pure joy!


Only one thing left to do – it’s selfie time!


A few quick taps and it’s up on Instagram!

Instagram Photo

Hopefully Seiji’s lovely outing as a super-kawaii high school girl has brought a little joy to your day. As for Seiji, he found the effort of maintaining cuteness and girlishness for a full day extremely gruelling and immediately headed back to RocketNews24 HQ to relax with coffee, cigarettes, and a manly belching contest with the other male writers (or something along those lines, anyway.)

Images ©RocketNews24

Origin: Our reporter wears the Boku Sera schoolgirl outfit, visits Harajuku, takes purikura
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