20 Harsh Truths About Dating The Girl Who Always Travels

We’ve all dated someone with baggage, but what is it like dating a girl who can’t wait to pack hers? Dating a girl who travels comes loaded with its own pros and cons, accompanied by a lot of questions.

If you’re wondering whether or not you should embark on the long journey that is dating a woman who has caught the wanderlust bug, here are 20 truths you need to know about what it will be like to be with her:

1. There’s an air of mystery about her.

She’s downright intriguing. Let’s be real: This was initially the hook before the line and sinker ever came along. And you’ll be damned if you don’t solve the mystery that is this woman.

2. There’s a constant feeling of “the chase.”

She doesn’t slow down for anybody. So, if you aren’t careful, you might just lose your breath.

3. She is spontaneous and always up for an adventure.

She’ll inspire you to be just as in the moment as she is, but it does get tiring if you expect her spontaneity to take a back seat to your relationship. It won’t.

4. Hanging out with her is intimidating.

Will she be bored? Will she have fun? Does hanging out have to be a series of epic moments like her travels are?

You’ll be intimidated by her adventures at first, but the great thing about her is she knows how to enjoy any and every kind of experience. So, there’s no need to worry about impressing her all the time.

5. Being with her is an ever-changing situation.

In turn, this keeps things constantly fresh and new.

6. She’s constantly moving and changing her surroundings.

The unexpected element in this relationship is kind of scary. When will she up and leave again? It’s like a ticking time bomb waiting for the next time she gets swept up with the wind and leaves everything behind.

7. She’s curious.

She’ll listen carefully and take the time to get to know you because she rarely leaves any stone unturned.

8. Her curiosity gets the best of her.

When curiosity strikes, she has to go. “Can’t stop, won’t stop” is her constant mentality.

9. She’s a problem solver.

She’s wildly creative in coming up with a solution. If one way doesn’t work, it’s likely she’ll have three other ways to attempt the same thing.

A multitude of approaches to varying obstacles are hidden up her sleeve. Take notes. You could probably learn a few things from her.

10. She’s always honest.

She doesn’t have the time or need to be anything but upfront. So, what happens during your time apart? She’ll tell you her expectations, listen carefully to yours and ask that you both respect each other for doing what you feel you’re meant to do.

11. She’s independent, of course.

This is especially true if she’s traveled solo. Yes, you should be impressed.

12. She can hack it on her own.

Independence is a great quality, but occasionally, you want to feel needed. Don’t worry; if she really needs help, she’ll ask for it. (Or, she’ll at least pretend she does because she likes you.)

13. She’s adaptable.

It takes her less time than the average girl to get her bearings, and she probably goes with the flow pretty damn well. That doesn’t mean she adapts into relationships well, though. She may hold back because opening up too much, too soon makes it harder for her to leave again. 

14. She’s frugal.

She’s learned to travel on a budget. So, while traveling can break the bank, at least you know you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

15. Every penny goes into her travel piggy bank.

Every. Last. One. So, while she’s not off wandering the world, she’s hanging out on a strict budget, which will only help you become an expert at saving.

16. She’s interesting.

She’s seen things. She can regale you with epic stories. Go pop some popcorn, and get lost in another world through her eyes.

17. Story time is fantastic.

But sometimes, you have a pang of feeling left out. You want to be co-starring in her epic tale of navigating the foreign lands, but sometimes, she’s too independent to notice.

18. She’s a bundle of energy.

She rarely gets tired and can function on little sleep. She may be hard to keep up with, but guess what? When she does slow down, you’ll be the one she’ll want to cuddle with.

19. She’s not ready to settle.

And when will she be ready? The pressure of the future isn’t really a problem when you’re dating her because she’s too in the moment to worry about a five-year plan.

20. She’s passionate.

When she loves, she loves deeply. Her passion for the world and traveling its every inch will be reflected in her feelings for you. If she loves you, it will be all-consuming.

Dating a girl who travels isn’t so black and white, and neither is the way she views the world. You fell for her because she’s openminded and never quick to judge. She’s excited to try new experiences, and you want to be the one to share them with her.

Sure, it’s attractive how she lives in the moment, but you worry about her getting too caught up in a moment abroad without you. To be with her, you may end up making some sacrifices, and you best be on your best communication game. Being with her is a risk in the eyes of some people, but the moments you share together, her everlasting zest for exploring and her infectious passion for travel makes it all worth it.

So, sit back and enjoy the ride, but be cautious. Hopefully you have a lot of energy, patience and love for travel because this will be a bumpy flight if you don’t. The choice is simple: Are you going to pack your bags, or get left behind?

20 Harsh Truths About Dating The Girl Who Always Travels

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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