What It’s Like To Have A Smart Brain But A Dumb Heart

Ever since I was little, I’ve done well in school. In grade school, I made the honor society. I went on to Fordham University, where I double-majored in photography and media studies and graduated with a 3.6 GPA — all while interning and working. In order to juggle all of my jobs and courses, I had to make balance a priority.

Excelling in school became second nature to me. But when it comes to relationships, I’ve usually been pretty stupid. I can choose the right answers in school, but I’m always falling in love with the wrong person.

Unfortunately, love has no textbook, and there’s no formula for when things go south. In relationships, anything can happen. Feelings come and go without explanation. It’s not fair, and it’s not black and white. And when you put your all into a relationship and get nothing in return, it’s like handing in an A+ paper but getting back an F.

I was blessed with a smart brain, but I was cursed with a dumb heart.

My heart pushes me to trust too easily.

Every pain I’ve felt made me who I am, so it’s important to me that my partner knows my history. Once I trust a guy, I’ll stick show him every bullet hole and stab wound in my heart; that way, he’ll know all I’ve been through.

Unfortunately, I often choose the wrong people. And by opening myself up, I reveal my vulnerabilities to the wrong partner.

I teach him exactly how to take advantage of me.

My heart convinces me that my feelings are reciprocated.

If I use my head, I can see things for what they are. But since my heart is the dominant way I perceive the world, it sometimes blinds me. It’s like rubbing your eyes too hard — I start to see shapes and colors that don’t actually exist. My heart is a master at simulating a love that just isn’t there.

My heart suffocates my chances at something real.

My heart leads me to the deep and dark back alleys of love, and I always wind up hurt.

Heartbreak is like getting crushed by a wave. You’re knocked off your feet. You’re disoriented. There’s no air to breathe. And if you fall in love shortly after you get knocked down, and that love doesn’t work out, you’re going to get hit by a second wave as soon as you try to come up for air.

But all I can do is keep fighting.

My heart makes me overly hopeful instead of realistic.

My mind has certain expectations for me, but my heart scribbles all over them.

I always think that a partner will have the same heart as me. I always think that someone will put in the effort that I do and care about me. But that’s never the case. I always care more.

What hurts me in the end is believing that my boyfriend will love me as much as I love him.

My heart drowns out all of the warning signals my brain tries to throw at me.

Life and relationships never come with how-to pamphlets or legitimate instructions. Instead, we have to rely on facial expressions, gestures and sighs.

I was definitely a former CIA agent in my past life, because I’m very intuitive. But once my heart gets involved, all suspects look innocent. When my brain sees red flags, my heart does a good job of making those flags seem normal.

My heart frustrates my mind to no end.

It’s very frustrating to be able to make smart decisions in every other aspect of my life except for the one that leaves me the most exposed. My dumb heart makes me feel like a dumb person, but I know I’m not. I’m just human.

What It’s Like To Have A Smart Brain But A Dumb Heart

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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