Here’s How You Can Find A Last Minute Wedding Date

If the bride and groom have given the privilege of bringing a plus-one to their wedding, you may view this as the ultimate win-win situation. You can bring someone along with you so you don’t have to show up solo and spend the night rolling your eyes at all your married friends who are sitting beside you at the table and slow dancing with each other.

But the only problem is, unless you have a significant other or someone you’ve been dating for a few months, you might not have a Rolodex of people you can easily just bring with you.

So if you’re looking to find a last-minute wedding date this season, here are six places to look.

1. Check out your friend circle.

If you’re looking for a plus-one for a wedding, you don’t have to only consider people who you have a crush on or have a potential interest in. You can decide to bring a friend instead, especially if you have a friend in your circle who is the life of the party and will team up with you to make the night memorable, even if it’s only platonic.

2. Consider exes you’re civil with.

To the people who are strong enough to maintain healthy relationships with their exes, an option for you is to bring one with you as a last-minute wedding date.

Whether you’re doing it in hopes of re-kindling the relationship or you’re doing it because the thought of showing up to your cousin’s wedding alone makes you cringe, someone who you have history with and can stand being around without fighting with them, may be a good option as your wedding date.

3. Leave it up to the online dating gods.

If you have a month or two to spare before the wedding, hop on an online dating site and start trying to find someone you match with, online and in person. You may end up finding someone you’re interested in dating or you might just find someone you have a lot of fun with that you can bring with you to take over the dance floor.

4. Ask the bride and groom.

If you have no one in the pipeline to ask, check in with the bride and groom and see if there are any eligible bachelors that they can pair you with for the night. They don’t need to make it super obvious either. But perhaps they can sit you together during the reception and even introduce you to each other before the wedding happens so you can get familiar with each other and perhaps even hit it off before the official shindig.

5. Invite your work boyfriend.

If there’s someone in the office you consider your work husband or boyfriend, but would never in a million years consider pursing a relationship with, you can ask him or her to come with you to the wedding. At least you know you have friendly chemistry with them and that the night spent eating, drinking, chatting and dancing won’t be awkward.

6. Team up with another single.

Give up on the search for a wedding date and instead find another single guest to be your dance partner for the night. Show up solo and you never know who you’ll meet once you’re there. Maybe you won’t meet anyone and you’ll go home alone. Or maybe you’ll meet someone worthy of meeting up with again for a real first date.

Here’s How You Can Find A Last Minute Wedding Date

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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