Women Who Went To College Are Way More Likely To Have This Grooming Habit

Pubes are a touchy subject. What do we do with them? Do we even like them or do we just hate ingrown hairs? Should I ever put a razor this close to my lady garden?

Whether you’re a firm proponent of the ’70s-style bush or the barely-there pornstar wax, you’ve undoubtedly defended your opinion on public hair with the precision of a Supreme Court justice. Understandably, the subject inspires passion. Women are raised to be ladylike and well-groomed, so we deeply fear the possibility of seeming gross or unclean.

Interestingly, new research published in JAMA Dermatology delves into the demographics of female pubic hair grooming. It turns out education plays a large role in how big your bush is.

Interviews with 3,316 women between 18 and 65 showed college-educated ladies were far more likely to trim or pare down their pubes than ladies that didn’t have a high school diploma. All in all, though, more than 80 percent of the women interviewed admitted to taking care of downstairs business — with 62 percent going entirely bald.

Female grooming has long been equated to economic advantage, especially amidst this year’s discussion of the “pink tax.” Razors and hygiene products aimed at women cost nearly twice what supplies for men do. And, if you’re tacking on $40 a pop for Brazilian waxes, grooming gets expensive quickly. Women with degrees and higher salaries can more easily afford to immaculately maintain their pubic hair, not to mention everything else.

Interestingly, the only things that didn’t have a notable impact on pubic hair grooming habits were frequency of sex and orientation. But, women who suspected their partners liked a full bush were less likely to trim the hedge maze.

To prune, or not to prune? Well, that all depends on your own preference — and your education.

Women Who Went To College Are Way More Likely To Have This Grooming Habit

Credit: Women – Elite Daily


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